It's Easy to Live Decades Younger…

Dear Health Conscious Reader,

Most doctors don’t even know about the studies behind this medical breakthrough.

My patients are sailing into their golden years with the energy and mobility of someone decades younger.

You can, too!

As you read below, I’ll show you exactly how…

It’s easy.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD


Most Doctors Make This Mistake…
Dear Health Conscious Reader,
When I see patients here at my clinic, there’s one thing I recommend more than anything else. And it’s not a drug.
It’s so critical to health and longevity, just about everyone I see needs at least 50 mg a day.
I take it myself everyday… without fail.
This nutrient is essential if you:

  • Are concerned about the pumping power of your heart…
  • Want to support your brain and ensure a continuous supply of energy…
  • Are having those “senior moments”…
  • Worry about feeling blue…
  • Want to support a strong immune system…
  • Know you don’t have the energy you used to and need an extra boost to keep going…

Most doctors make the mistake of thinking these symptoms are “normal” for people as they get older. But this passive attitude is not in the best interest of your long-term health.
You can bypass many of these effects by giving your cells the building blocks they need to create a reliable stream of energy. This cellular energy powers your vital organs and helps keep them young.
So you see, all these effects may not seem connected, but they have one thing in common:
They all happen when you lose energy in your cells.

The underlying cause of aging, and loss of independence that comes with it, is the chronic loss of the nutrients your cells use to keep themselves going.

With this simple strategy, you can keep your body and mind youthful for decades longer than you ever thought possible.

The nutrient that fuels every cell in your body is the high-powered version of CoQ10 you’ll find in Accel.
The high concentration is the key to Accel’s amazing potential. And unless you take action, your CoQ10 starts to disappear.
All your major organs, including your heart and brain, have high concentrations of CoQ10. It’s necessary for generating much-needed energy. But levels start dropping at the age of 20 and are lowest in stroke and heart-attack victims.
By the time you’re 80, most of your CoQ10 has disappeared. And that’s bad news … many of the effects of aging, I believe, are caused by a lack of energy in your cells, that is, a lack of CoQ10.
In addition to supplying energy, CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant. The “slow burn” we use for fuel causes oxidative damage at the cellular level, just like fire burns everything it touches. The action of CoQ10’s antioxidant power puts out this fire and protects your organs and tissues from free radical damage.
Aside from giving your heart and brain the extra fuel they need to keep working, CoQ10 nourishes and supports them and keeps them in working order for much longer.
Think of a sandwich. It you leave it lying on your kitchen counter, the bread gets stale, and the meat starts to rot. But put it in a Ziploc bag and throw it in the fridge, and it stays fresh for days. This is a simple example of the type of anti-aging power CoQ10 gives you.
The new form of CoQ10 in Accel makes the CoQ10 more bioavailable to your body. And it makes the cost of getting a therapeutic dose much lower.
You can slow aging and its effects. Accel makes that possible.
Plus, I’ve made it even easier for you to support a healthy heart. I’ve added a heart-healthy form of vitamin E called tocotrienols to our already powerful Accel formula.
Tocotrienols move fast to penetrate the cell membrane and “attack” a cholesterol-creating enzyme called HMG-CoA. This helps reduce cholesterol oxidation and helps promote normal cholesterol levels.1
Tocotrienols also help:

  • Maintain cholesterol in its healthy form
  • Keep triglycerides at a healthy level
  • Support normal blood pressure levels

Now, you can get unparalleled heart support.
Not only does Accel have the ubiquinol form of CoQ10 – a heart powerhouse all on its own – but it also has the power of tocotrienols.
Plus, there’s one more thing. Combining this ubiquinol form of CoQ10 with tocotrienols keeps the tocotrienols active in your system for a longer period than just taking them alone. So the benefits to your heart are that much greater.
I recommend most of my patients take Accel. And I never skip a day either.
Try the new Accel CoQ10 with the tocotrienol boost now.
To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

1 Schaffer, Sebastian, Müller, Walter E. and Eckert, Gunter P., “Tocotrienols: Constitutional Effects in Aging and Disease,” J. Nutr. 2005; 135:151-154

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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