Not long ago, I invited you to take part in my biological age analysis and telomere study. So many people responded that I’ve had to enlarge the study… twice.

Michael M. reversed the biological age of his lungs by almost 40 years.
Overall, he grew 17 years younger.
Patients who have taken part in this protocol have, on average, grown an amazing 14 years younger.
But we’re working to get that number even higher!
And we have learned so much since we started this study, that we were able to improve it.
Making it more accurate, more conclusive and even more state-of-the-art.
We even added two new biomarkers of aging measurements. I’ll explain more about that in a moment…
First, I want to tell you about a patient who took part in our earlier biological age analysis. His name is Michael M. and was 58 when he started the telomere protocol. By the end of his treatment, he was 61.
But his biological age was only 44. He grew 17 years younger.
In that time frame Michael was able to:
- Reverse his “brain age” — the measure of his ability to concentrate, remember and process information — back to age 44
- Reverse his “lung age” by almost four decades — back to that of a 24-year-old
- Improve his eyesight, lower his triglycerides, increase his testosterone — and even lose 20 pounds
The biological age analysis we do at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine is nothing like those DNA telomere tests you hear about on the radio or see popping up all over TV.
You know what I’m talking about… You send in a couple drops of blood and a check for $99 and they promise to test your DNA to determine the length of your telomeres. They claim this
will reveal your “true cellular age.”As a regular reader, you know I believe that telomeres are the biggest medical breakthrough since penicillin. They’re the little caps on the end of each strand of your DNA that controls how your cells age.
Longer telomeres mean better health. Shorter telomeres signal premature aging.
But there’s a big problem with these $99 tests… They don’t work.
They only give you the average length of your telomeres.
But not every telomere in a cell has the same length. Some may be really long and healthy. But others may be shrinking at a faster rate.
What you really need to know is how many are actually in trouble. And which ones…
That’s what makes the telomere testing I do for my patients so unique.
We use the only test available that tells you how many critically short telomeres you have. It’s a much more detailed measurement. And it’s been proven accurate in clinical studies.1
But at the Sears Institute, we take it even further. We use a total-body, biological age breakdown that measures 16 different biomarkers of aging.
Before we only measured 14. But we just added two tests that measure hearing and flexibility/range of motion.
We use these measurements to learn the true biological age of your heart, lungs, liver, brain, bone density, skin, vision, hearing, strength and more.
Join my Unique Telomere Study to Reverse Aging Today
The Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine is the only clinic that offers this unique series of tests.
This comprehensive measurement tells us how your body has biologically aged over time.
But more importantly, we customize an individualized treatment plan based on your own body and what it needs.
We then use these measurements to track the effect of our treatment. The most powerful thing we do is turn on an enzyme called telomerase. And that’s where the real anti-aging magic begins.
When you turn on telomerase, your telomeres start to regenerate and grow longer. And that lengthening is what slows aging — reversing your biological age.
I’m continuing my groundbreaking biological age analysis at my clinic. And I’d like to invite you to be a part of it.
If you’re interested in turning back the clock and reversing your biological age — or if you want more information — please call my clinic at 561-784-7852. My staff will be happy to answer your questions.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
P.S. I’m also offering a 25% discount for my Lifetime Members! Be sure to mention this letter when you call and my clinic staff will take care of you.
1. Canela A., Vera E., Klatt P., Blasco MA. “High-throughput telomere length quantification by FISH and its application to human population studies.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007.