Natural Elixir for Women Only

Dear Health Conscious Reader,

Without your realizing it, modern medicine has withheld the options you need to make healthy, informed decisions. In essence, your sexual energy has fallen victim to ignorance and misinformation.

Most doctors think testosterone is a privilege for men only. While men certainly need it, the idea that it has no place in a woman’s life is not only wrong, it’s dangerous.

When your levels drop, you’ll feel it: loss of motivation, heavy fatigue, and little to no interest in the things that usually make you happy, including sex.

But I’ve discovered compelling studies that support what I’ve known for years:

Testosterone is critical for women, especially for staying fit, lean, and sexually active.

Here’s one from the New England Journal of Medicine.

Researchers gave supplemental testosterone to women who had undergone a hysterectomy. As you probably know, hysterectomies dramatically lower circulating levels of testosterone.

After 12 weeks, the women receiving testosterone showed significant improvement in mood, sexual function, and overall well-being.1

But that doesn’t mean testosterone only benefits women who’ve lost their uterus. And I’m not the only doctor who thinks so.

At the Jean Hailes Foundation in Australia – a non-profit research institution dedicated to women’s health issues – Dr. Susan Davis found that testosterone is essential in maintaining a woman’s sex drive, energy level, and sense of well-being – regardless of her age.2

I’ve found the same to be true in my own practice.

Hundreds of women have come to my clinic feeling tired, bored, and completely uninterested in sex. Some as young as 28. After a simple blood test, I find their testosterone levels to be almost nonexistent.

Boosting your testosterone isn’t difficult or risky. And the results can be dramatic.

When my patients come back for a follow-up 2 to 3 weeks

later, the difference is unmistakable: Their eyes are bright and full of life… they walk with confidence and purpose… and they tell me they’re having the best sex of their lives.

And this transformation isn’t limited to women in their 30s and 40s. I’ve seen this happen to women in their 60s, 70s, and beyond.

There’s no age limit on feeling joy and purpose in your life. It’s just a matter of cutting through the bias against women and realizing that women need the right balance of testosterone, too.

Testosterone Can Help You Stay Lean

Testosterone turns up your energy levels and puts your body into fat-burning mode. Even in small amounts, “vitamin T” gets rid of unwanted fat in all those hard-to-deal-with places, like your belly, thighs, arms, and buttocks.

A study I found in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism shows that obese women given low doses of testosterone dropped more body fat and subcutaneous abdominal fat than those given a placebo.3

I can vouch for those results. I’ve seen the same transformation in the women who come to my clinic.

But it troubles me when I think of all the women in this country being misled into thinking that they’re helpless… that they can’t do anything about the bone-crushing depression that often hits during menopause… or that they have to give up any hope of having meaningful sex.

And to add fuel to the fire, these same women are often given high doses of synthetic estrogen, which just makes their situation worse.

Let me tell you straight: You don’t have to go through this.

By rebalancing what Nature gave you, you can lift and stabilize your mood, melt fat, protect your heart, and rekindle that sense of wonder and enthusiasm for life.

Energize the Two Systems in Your Body That Influence
Your Sense of Excitement, Urgency, and Sexual Pleasure

You’ve already discovered testosterone’s power and how it influences your delicate hormonal balance. But there’s another critical piece of the puzzle: blood flow.

Blood flow is vital for a woman’s experience of joy, both on a physical and emotional level. Even the slightest hint of arousal requires a rush of blood throughout the body. Without it, anything that resembles sex is impossible.

Maintaining healthy blood flow is possible with something called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide (NO) allows large amounts of blood to engorge all the right places at just the right time.

NO is released through the lining of your blood vessels. As it enters smooth muscle cells, it causes them to relax and expand. And this expansion allows for much greater blood flow.

By focusing on these two key areas – a gentle boost of testosterone and improved blood flow – you open the door to new experiences… no matter what your age.

As a Woman, You Have Options

Rekindling a sense of mystery and excitement is as simple as giving your body the tools to find the right balance. Sensuality makes it easier.

My formula is proven safe and effective. Hundreds of my female patients already know the difference. They tell me they feel a rush of youthful vitality.

Sensuality is a proactive way to ensure you stay vital, active, and excited – well into retirement and beyond.

Sensuality works on the two systems that make desire, arousal, and good sex possible: testosterone and blood flow.

The lift of testosterone is gentle and specifically designed for a woman’s needs. And the boost in blood flow is something you’ll appreciate right away.

You can try Sensuality today with absolutely no risk. It’s FULLY guaranteed. If at any time you want to stop, just return the unused portion – even an empty bottle – and you’ll get all your money back. I’ll even reimburse you for shipping and handling.

In a few days you might be writing me a letter like Sylvia did, telling me how Sensuality saved your sex life… or maybe even your marriage.

Click here to get started today.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

  1. Shifren JL, et al. “Testosterone treatment in women with impaired sexual function.” N Engl J Med. 2000 Sep 7;343(10):682-8.
  2. Davis SR. “Androgens and female sexuality.” J Gend Specif Med. 2000 Jan-Feb;3(1):36-40.
  3. Lovejoy JC, et al. “Androgens influence body composition in obese women.” J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1996 Jun;81(6):2198-203.