Better Sex?

Dear Health Conscious Reader,

A new report proves that Tribulus terrestris can get your engines revved up… better than any other product designed to heighten male perfomance.1

German researchers working on a natural enhancement supplement gave it to 50 lucky men. They found it stoked the fires of their desire far better than the pharmaceutical products you’ve heard so much about.

The men also said that once they took this safe botanical they had “better sex afterwards, more fun in bed and just generally felt better about themselves.”

Tribulus boosts performance and heightens desire. In fact it ratchets up your manliness across the board—something those prescription performance drugs can’t do.

That’s because Tribulus raises your levels of “vitamin T”—testosterone.

All these types of drugs do is get the blood flowing to where it’s needed… but not much more. For men whose problem isn’t circulation, these drugs don’t stand up. Prescription performance drugs lose their punch over time.

Keeping your testosterone levels high, on the other hand, leads to lasting sexual pleasure. Testosterone lies behind male excitement, virility, and potency. If you don’t have enough, today’s drugs will do nothing to solve the problem.

Decades of clinical research have shown that Tribulus restores your testosterone levels. In a study on chimps published just last year, it ramped up “vitamin T” by over 50%.2

It does the same thing for men. One group of researchers found it elevated levels of testosterone in a group of healthy men by 30% after only five days.3

You can also kick up your “vitamin T” with these simple, proven techniques:

Creatine and Taurine. Red meat is rich in creatine, taurine, and CoQ10natural muscle builders—and testosterone boosters. Grass-fed beef is the best source of these nutrients.

DIM. Diindolylmethane (DIM) helps the body break down estrogen, the female hormone. Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cabbage, asparagus and cauliflower are rich in DIM. Lowering estrogen improves your testosterone/estrogen ratio. And when you improve this ratio, you’ll get the feeling of a testosterone boost.

My PACE® program. A watershed 2007 report looked at vitamin T levels in almost 1,700 men.4 The biggest factor in testosterone loss? Weight gain. Packing on more fat has the same effect as getting ten years older. So focus on building muscle and shedding the pounds. My patented PACE® program does both in minutes a day.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

  1. “German researchers testing…” Agence France Presse. March 16, 2009.
  2. Kalamegam Gauthaman and Adaikan P. Ganesan. “The hormonal effects of Tribulus terrestris…” Phytomedicine. 2008. 15(1–2):44-54.
  3. Wright J. Muscle and Fitness. 1996. September:140-142, 224.
  4. Travison et al. “The Relative Contributions of Aging, Health, and Lifestyle Factors to Serum Testosterone Decline in Men,” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2007. 92: 549 – 555.