Dear Member, In your last Doctor’s House Call, I told you about the first government food pyramid and why eating more carbs is NOT the way to lose fat. Today, …
4 Simple Steps to Fat Loss
Dear Member, If you’ve taken my Fat Loss Challenge, congratulations! You’re on your way but if you follow your government’s “food pyramid,” you may be disappointed on April 15th when …
Wellness ConneXion
Dear Member, A few of my colleagues here in Florida put together an amazing package you’ll want to check out. As part of the package you get a comprehensive e-book …
The 3 Worst Foods
Dear Member, If you’re a regular reader, you’ve heard me talk about the glycemic index. But every week someone writes to me a question that tells me many are confused …
The Dietary Acne Cure
Something they told me in medical school has to be wrong. I’ve been seeing more and more acne in mature adults. Yet convention claims that the primary cause is genetic. If it were genetic, how can it change in a single generation?
The Three Worst Foods
One of the most frequent questions patients ask me is “What do you think about eating …..? Next most frequent? How can I lose my gut? In today’s Health alert, …
Soda Surprise
I admit I drink a soda from time to time. But I think I might quit. A newspaper in England just published a bombshell. Traces of a deadly chemical were …
Ditch Your Diet Pills
You may be one of millions who are trying to drop a few pounds. The latest facts are sobering. More than 44 million Americans are overweight. Over 300,000 die each …
Better than Comfort Eating
Ever felt stressed out, only to find yourself reaching for candy? You’re not alone. For many, a sugar rush helps to ease the frustration of daily life. New research helps …
Who Protects You from Dangerous Drugs?
Just like you, my first responsibility is to my family but if you’re a doctor, you’re also responsible for your patients and you may feel a sense of responsibility for …
The True Atkins Legacy
A colleague shared an article from Time magazine with me. The author celebrated because the late Dr. Atkins’ business empire recently filed for bankruptcy. For more than thirty years, Dr. …
What’s Worse Than Atkins?
A few weeks ago, I drove down to Miami and had lunch at a café on South Beach. Over coffee, my friend asked me “So what’s the deal with the …
You Can Eat Naturally Sweet
Health Alert 296 If you are trying to lose body fat, it may be better for you to eat a "decadent" bowl of peaches and cream for breakfast than a …
Learn from Surprising Trend in Japan to Stay Slim
Health Alert 304 Eat too much carbohydrate and you’ll secrete excess insulin and get fat. So how can the Japanese eat so much rice and stay so slim? A current …
Fake Health Food III – Low Fat Foods
Health Alert 192 Have you gobbled down a low-fat “nutrition bar” as a convenient alternative to real food? Do you eat low-fat products as a way to curb your weight? …
Nutrition Textbooks Got it Wrong…
Health Alert 224 Dear Subscriber: Most diets want you to cut down on fat-filled ice cream, meat, nuts and eggs, but they’re not really the problem. The important quality is …
High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Obesity-There's Something Far Worse Putting You At Risk for Heart Disease …
Health Alert 244 Dear Subscriber: You’ve heard time and again that skyrocketing blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, and obesity can put you at risk for heart disease. But there’s something …