Let me say this right up front: Sunlight is one of the world’s natural prostate cancer cures. You might have noticed I’ve been talking a lot lately about how to prevent and cure cancer. I’d always been a little reluctant to talk about cancer. I wanted to make sure I didn’t do any harm by saying there are a lot of natural alternatives for preventing and fighting cancer. But, as I’ve seen what other people are doing and claiming, they’re either so mistaken or so far out there in left field that I thought it was time to come out very strongly on this issue. There are plenty of good people in the cancer research field doing great work, and the rate of most cancers has stabilized or gone down. But prostate cancer is still on the rise. And as much as mainstream medicine would like you to believe their advice and drugs work, the fact is that in most cases, they don’t. In particular, the advice to stay out of the sun or block sunlight with sunscreen is the worst advice you can get for your prostate. A study in the August 2001 issue of the prestigious medical journal Lancet reveals the consequences of this advice. The study divided people into four groups according to how much sunlight they had been exposed to. The study participants who were in the group that got the least exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun were three times more likely to develop prostate cancer than those in the group that got the most sun exposure1. The men who had the highest sunlight exposure reduced their risk of developing prostate cancer by 66 percent. Even people in the second and third quartiles had a significantly lower chance of getting prostate cancer compared with those who got the least sunlight. The journal Cancer Letters found the same thing. Higher cumulative sun exposure throughout life, adult sunbathing, and regular holidays in hot climates were each independently and significantly associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer2. A study giving us more evidence on this came out in Anticancer Research. It showed that sunlight exposure alone — about 20 minutes a day for fair-skinned folks and two to four times that much for those with dark skin — can reduce the risk of prostate cancer and 15 other types of cancer in both men and women3. Why is sunlight so powerful as a prostate cancer treatment and preventative? Vitamin D. You create it when sunlight hits your skin. A clinical trial took a long look – over almost two years – at men with prostate cancer who received just 2,000 IU of vitamin D a day. That’s not much, by the way. You can create 10,000 IU or more by just being in the sun for 20 minutes. Overall, the men taking vitamin D had a 50 percent reduction in the rise of their levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA), which is an indicator of prostate cancer activity. Even if you already have prostate cancer, your chances of dying from it are reduced by 700% if you get enough vitamin D4. The vitamin D you get from sunlight can slow the progress of prostate cancer and stop it from spreading,5 increasing your chances of survival. Vitamin D may be the single most important nutrient in your body, especially for your prostate. Be sure to get enough … it could save your life. Here are four ways I recommend you get your full share of Vitamin D:
Learn more about treatment for prostate cancer, the benefits of eating a more nutritious diet and other natural health alternatives by subscribing to my FREE daily emails, “Doctor’s House Call” or my monthly newsletter, “Confidential Cures”. |
To Your Good Health, Al Sears, MD
1. Luscombe C, et. al. “Exposure to ultraviolet radiation: association with susceptibility and age at presentation with prostate cancer.” The Lancet, 2001;Volume 358, Issue 9282, Pages 641 – 642. 2. Bodiwala D, et. al. “Prostate cancer risk and exposure to ultraviolet radiation: further support for the protective effect of sunlight.” Cancer Letters 2003;Volume 192, Issue 2, Pages 145–149. 3. Grant W, et. al. “The association of solar ultraviolet B (UVB) with reducing risk of cancer: multifactorial ecologic analysis of geographic variation in age-adjusted cancer mortality rates.” Anticancer Research. 2006; 26:2687-2700. 4. Tretli S, Hernes E, Berg J, Hestvik U, Robsahm T. “Association between serum 25(OH)D and death from prostate cancer.” Br J Cancer. 2009;100(3):450-4. 5. Kabir A, Khan F, Sarkar M. “Role of Vitamin D as an Anti-Proliferative Compound on Prostate Cancer.” Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis 2013;Volume 30, Issue 3.