Should anyone else get to decide what goes into your body? Should a few corporations have control over all your food? Monsanto thinks it should. It already controls a lot …
Frankenstein Lurking in Your Pantry
The world’s biggest, most powerful agriculture companies are experimenting with your life. You never agreed to take part in it. But it’s triggering infertility, tumors, kidney and liver disease and more.
Big-Agra giants like Monsanto are helping to put untested mutations on your dinner table. These Franken-food experiments are better known as GMOs, or genetically modified organisms.
Big-Agra’s number one cash crop – soy – is creeping into thousands of products you eat every day, whether you know it or not. sixty to 70 percent of ALL processed foods contain some soy.
And, almost all soy crops are genetically modified. This “mutant soy” is clinically documented to cause depression, fatigue, infections, brain fog, nausea… even cancer.
Are You a Guinea Pig in the World's Largest Ongoing Experiment?
We are all in a kind of experiment. You never agreed to take part in it. But it’s triggering infertility, tumors, kidney and liver disease and more.
The federal government not only allows it to happen, they’re appointing people to key positions to make the experiment official policy. Case in point: President Obama’s new “food safety czar” is a former vice president at Monsanto, one of the world’s most powerful Big-Agra giants.
The political lobbying, the presidential appointments and their secretive policies are helping to put untested mutations on your dinner table in the form of GMOs – genetically modified organisms.