Pain seems to be a delicate subject these days. Not just with my patients. When you’re suffering, it can be difficult to express just how much it hurts. But the …
Flu Shot Foul Up
You may have taken the flu shot this winter…
Along with that, your doctor may have given you a pain reliever such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, naproxen, or aspirin (NSAIDs) to avoid crankiness and irritability as the vaccine takes effect.
Most doctors even recommend it.
But the combination of vaccine and NSAID isn’t such a great idea…
People with this Factor Live Past 100
Cutting-edge research is revealing the power of a “master antioxidant” – a tripeptide molecule called glutathione (GSH).
People with the highest levels of GSH are the ones who routinely live past 100. Plus, it may prevent a host of chronic diseases like arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer and diabetes – just to name a few…