My Favorite Herb for Natural Pain Relief

Have you heard about the herb kava? It was banned in Europe, and now people are afraid of it. It was used in high doses as a tranquilizer, and it became a popular alternative to prescription drugs. People used it to help them calm down, relax and go to sleep because in large quantities it has that effect.
Just a few years ago it was one of the top-selling herbs around the world. Now it’s been almost totally forgotten. And that’s too bad because it’s really a very good anti-inflammatory. You can use either the root or the leaves to ease inflammation, but only the root was used as a sedative and an intoxicant.

Stir-Fry Root Eases Pain

The other day a new patient came to my office feeling like he was “coming down with something.” There was no fever or coughing… but he felt tired, stiff, and achy. He even told me he was taking four Advils a day – just to get by.
If his story sounds like your life too, you’re among the millions who suffer from chronic pain. It’s the leading cause of disability in the U.S. And I know it can be downright unbearable at times…

She Said Her Hair Hurt…

PAIN… In my work, I’ve seen more kinds than I can count.
Joint pain… back pain… headache… stomachache… eye pain… tooth pain… earache… stiff, aching neck pain… labor pain… kidney stone pain…
One patient even told me her hair hurt!
Believe me, I could go on. But my point is this…
All these kinds of pain have three things in common: