What Do Dr. Sears and Oprah Have In Common?

Oprah got sued for $75 million and almost went to jail.

What did she do so wrong?

She said she was afraid of hamburgers.

Did you hear about this? She had former cattle rancher Howard Lyman on her show. He worked for the Humane Society at the time.

As they talked about mad cow disease, Lyman said commercial cattle ranchers feed dead cows to living cows. “What we should be doing is exactly what nature says: we should have them eating grass, not other cows.”

Oprah said, “[That] has just stopped me cold from eating another burger!”

Cattle feeders and their business partners sued Oprah and Lyman for libel, slander, and negligence under Texas’ “veggie libel” law. It says you can’t cause fear over perishable foods.

Oprah had to defend herself and almost went to prison, so all credit to her for telling the truth.

That’s what I’m here to do as well. I’m here fighting the good fight and I’m going to do it because it’s the right thing to do.

The Food and Drug Administration is beholden to the big lobbyists from the grain, meat and dairy producers. So we’re prohibited from saying that there’s anything wrong with our meat and dairy.

But today I’m going to show you evidence right from the FDA’s own reports that found the chemical additives – hormones and antibiotics – they give animals don’t work. And they’re not safe, even according to the government’s own safety standards.

I already had my own evidence of what these chemicals are doing to us. I see it in my practice every day. Patients come to me suffering from out-of-whack hormones. That by itself causes a whole range of health consequences.

  • For women, it’s everything from painful mega-menopause to breast and ovarian cancer.
  • For men, it’s andropause – that’s a loss of manhood which shouldn’t exist in nature – and prostate cancer.

What exactly goes into commercial food animals?

The Natural Resources Defense Council meticulously pieced together 971 pages of government documents all about internal reviews of antibiotic feed additives. These reviews were done by the government’s own regulators between 2001 and 2010.

The documents show that for the 30 antibiotic additives approved to put in animal feed:

  • 18 of the drugs pose a huge threat to humans through antibiotic-resistant bacteria
  • There’s no proof the other 12 aren’t dangerous
  • None of the 30 drugs should even be legal in the first place

I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sound safe to me.

And when they process that meat it gets even less safe. A new study followed 500,000 people living in 10 European countries. The people who ate processed meats were 44% more likely to die prematurely.1 Their risk of death from heart disease skyrocketed by 72 percent. And they were much more likely to get cancer.

I can’t say this enough … You should stay away from commercially-raised, processed meat and dairy, and eggs from caged commercially-raised chickens.

But you should still eat meat. It’s your number one source of our most prized nutrient, protein. Plus it’s the best source of essential nutrients that you need to get through your food.

That’s why I give my new patients a special report that shows them how to eat meat safely. I show them what to look for, what to avoid, and where to get healthy meat.

It’s called “10 Reasons Why I’m Not a Vegetarian.” If you’d like, you can get it free by becoming a member of my Confidential Cures newsletter. Just click here and I’ll fill you in on the details.

For example, I detail many of the farms that will sell you hormone- and antibiotic-free, grass-fed meat from lots of different animals, and I show you the resources you can use that will help you get real, unadulterated, safe fish, chicken and eggs, too.

Wherever you choose to get your meat, here are a few things to remember:

  • Make sure you find a farm that has 100% grass-fed animals. Don’t be fooled by beef labeled “organic.”
  • The organic label only means that the cattle do not have “detectable” levels of antibiotics or hormones in their body at the time of slaughter. It does not mean that ranchers have never subjected cattle to antibiotics or hormones.
  • Most “organic” cattle eat nutritionally deficient grains that are not part of animals’ natural diet.
  • Try other meats besides beef, from grass-fed buffalo to elk.
  • When you’re preparing it, trim the fat how you like, but don’t trim it all off. You need it to absorb the fat soluble vitamins like vitamin E and D.

To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD

1. Rohrmann S, et. al. “Meat consumption and mortality – results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition.” BMC Medicine 2013;11:63.