As a regular reader, you know you don’t need Big Pharma’s dangerous drugs to increase and improve your health span. Tell that to the so-called experts in the National Institutes …
Pentagon “Human Performance Molecule” May Spell the End of Aging
The United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM), which oversees our elite forces like the Green Berets and Navy SEALS, recently revealed they’re testing a “breakthrough formula” that can delay the …
Protect Your Brain with 3 Key Nutrients
Conventional medicine has long insisted that cognition naturally decreases as you get older. But brand-new research confirms what I’ve been telling my patients for decades… Your brain can actually improve …
Boost Your Dopamine to Protect Your Brain
Dopamine is best known as a “feel good” neurotransmitter that helps you maintain a sense of well-being. But this powerful neurotransmitter also protects your brain from Parkinson’s disease. And that’s …
Your Genes Are Not The Boss
Most doctors will tell you your genes are your destiny. Now, new research is telling us the exact opposite – you can use your genes to change your destiny. Sure, genetics determine …
Indian Spice Cuts Dementia Risk by 40%
There is a new study from Harvard University that demonstrates the power of special plant compounds called flavonoids. It reinforces the advice I’ve been giving my patients for more than …
Fish Oil Study Stinks
One of my staff, Anne D., came to my office to talk to me. I could tell right away she was upset. Her mother had recently suffered a severe stroke. …
Strange Link Between Fat and Brain Health
The color beige gets a bad rap. It’s often described as boring and blah. But when it comes to protecting your brain from the devastation of Alzheimer’s and dementia, beige …
See Better Brain Function
Lutein and zeaxanthin are two of the most important nutrients you can take for your vision. In fact, your eyes won’t function without them. These antioxidants work together to lower …
A Real Pandemic
Your body is under attack from a deadly “pandemic.” One that affects more than 10 times the number of people touched by the coronavirus. In fact, a recent study linked it to …
5 Minute Secret to Beat Blood Pressure
Earlier this week, I shared a couple of different approaches I use in my clinic to help patients lower their blood pressure… But it occurred to me that I left …
Doctors Decide Millions are at “great risk”
As long as I’m a doctor, I’m going to keep telling you about natural treatments and therapies that can save your life and protect your health. And I’ll also continue …
Incredible Bacterium Prevents Disease
Researchers made a startling discovery… A never-before-recorded new gut bacterium with impressive disease-preventing properties. Researchers in Belgium spent two years examining 12,000 microbiome samples collected from all over the world. …
Internationally, 80% of people use herbs as their healthcare
In the United States, medicinal plants don’t get the respect they do in other parts of the world. Around the globe, about 80% of people use herbal remedies as a …
Highly therapeutic and medicinal herbal remedies
In the early days of my medical practice, I developed some highly therapeutic and medicinal herbal remedies in an apothecary’s garden I kept behind my first clinic. I called it …
What is the best diet for your health?
There’s a lot of nonsense making the rounds of mainstream medicine and the media these days about high-protein diets. You may have heard it. The latest theory goes like this… …
What is the best way reduce your risk of diabetes?
My patient G.D. wanted to treat her lifelong depression without Big Pharma’s pills. So when her doctors in Sweden told her the omega-3s in sardines would help boost her mood, …
How can you reduce anxiety?
Any time scientists recommend a natural supplement instead of a Big Pharma drug, I consider it a step in the right direction. And that’s almost what happened following a recent …