Indian Spice Cuts Dementia Risk by 40%

There is a new study from Harvard University that demonstrates the power of special plant compounds called flavonoids. It reinforces the advice I’ve been giving my patients for more than …

Fish Oil Study Stinks

One of my staff, Anne D., came to my office to talk to me. I could tell right away she was upset. Her mother had recently suffered a severe stroke. …

See Better Brain Function

Lutein and zeaxanthin are two of the most important nutrients you can take for your vision. In fact, your eyes won’t function without them. These antioxidants work together to lower …

A Real Pandemic

Your body is under attack from a deadly “pandemic.” One that affects more than 10 times the number of people touched by the coronavirus. In fact, a recent study linked it to …

Incredible Bacterium Prevents Disease

Researchers made a startling discovery… A never-before-recorded new gut bacterium with impressive disease-preventing properties. Researchers in Belgium spent two years examining 12,000 microbiome samples collected from all over the world. …

How can you reduce anxiety?

Any time scientists recommend a natural supplement instead of a Big Pharma drug, I consider it a step in the right direction. And that’s almost what happened following a recent …

How Can You Ensure Longevity?

Short telomeres produce decrepit cells. That’s been my contention for over a decade, since I was named the first U.S. doctor licensed to administer the first groundbreaking DNA therapy to …

Shield your Telomeres with Omega-3

You may recall telomeres are the “caps” that protect the ends of your DNA strands. But with each cellular replication, telomeres grow shorter and shorter… It’s like a clock counting …