Indian Spice Cuts Dementia Risk by 40%

There is a new study from Harvard University that demonstrates the power of special plant compounds called flavonoids. It reinforces the advice I’ve been giving my patients for more than …

African Secret to a Healthy Gut

Not long ago, I gathered my staff together in our conference room and asked if anyone would volunteer to get their microbiome tested. KR immediately put her hand in the …

Plague of the “white death”…

Back in the 1970s, when Arnold Schwarzenegger was at the peak of his bodybuilding career, he used the term “white death” to refer to the two ingredients he eliminated from …

How to Get Good Skin

Today’s toxic food supply is not only the root cause of almost every chronic disease we face… It’s also making you look older than your years. Thanks to Big Agra, …

Gut Theory Is All Wrong

A healthy gut doesn’t just mean you have more “good bacteria” than “bad bacteria.” That’s the theory you see all over the Internet. And it wouldn’t surprise me if the …

Your Stealth Immune Booster

Diets lacking in vitamin B-12 can be hazardous to your health – and your immunity. It’s no surprise that one study showed a stunning 92 percent of strict vegetarians who …

Illegal To Grow Your Own Food?

The right to grow your own food is a tradition as old as America… But today, government dictocrats are trying to make it illegal for you to grow a vegetable …

New Proof Debunks Cholesterol Myth

If you’re over 50, the chances are you’ve been persuaded – or possibly even brow beaten – into taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. I’ve been warning my patients and readers about …