Why Calcium Supplements Won't Help You

Health Alert 307 For years, I’ve been telling patients “Don’t waste your money on all those calcium supplements – they won’t make your bones any stronger… ” They usually looked …

Herbs That Heal

Health Alert 251 Dear Subscriber: Regardless of the ailment you may be suffering, chances are that somewhere in the world there’s a plant with the medicinal properties to bring relief …

Protect Yourself from Altitude

Health Alert 166 Headaches, thirst, dizziness, weakness, heart palpitations and shortness of breath are just a few of the effects of high altitude on the human body. In recent years, …

Red Hot Health

Health Alert 173 Most people think that hot spicy food is bad for your health. Yet in some cases, the exact opposite is true. Cayenne peppers can make your eyes …

200 Times More Powerful than Vitamin E

Health Alert 176 Would you like an aide in weight loss that can also strengthen your bones and help prevent cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and heart disease? And it’s available at …

Your Best Antioxidant Power Punch

Health Alert 178 Care to guess the natural food that has the highest concentration of antioxidants? It’s the humble blueberry. They help your body fight off certain cancers and heart …

Want Corn Syrup with That?

Health Alert 187 Today you have the first in a series of three alerts about supposed “health foods” that aren’t. Many of the products labeled as healthy are problems, not …

Fake Health Food II

Health Alert 190 In Health Alert 187, you read about health foods like sports drinks and energy bars that are loaded with unnatural and fattening high fructose corn syrup. You …

Skip This Popular Pill

Health Alert 193 Americans suffer more than 1.5 million broken bones per year with 300,000 broken hips. More than one-quarter of people with broken hips develop complications and die within …

Florida Man Sues Atkins

Health Alert 200 There’s a local lawsuit grabbing the headlines here in South Florida. A man is suing Atkins Nutritionals claiming the Atkins diet gave him heart disease. Jody Gorran …

Can You Have Both Sweet and Safe?

Health Alert 204 You hear a lot lately about the problems with sugar. Refined sugar starts a hormonal cascade of events that over time make you fat, tired, diseased and …