Health Alert 10 You may be shocked to learn this. The federal agency that you have put your trust in to ensure that your medications are safe no longer operates …
Empower Yourself … And Keep Your Most Valuable Possession
Health Alert 2 “Every man is born with one possession which out values all others…His last breath” –Mark Twain Deep down, we all know there is nothing more important than …
The Birth of a New Specialty – Will Your Health Care Be Affected?
Health Alert 8 This year over 200 doctors endured the winter snow to assemble in Denver, Colorado for an historic meeting. They met to take an examination for accreditation by …
Why Should You Take Supplements?
Health Alert 11 So you eat your vegetables, you don’t smoke or drink to excess. You avoid junk food and you exercise. So do you really need to take vitamins? …
How Much Do You Need?
Health Alert 15 You are faced with a dilemma every time you shop for an herb, vitamin or nutritional supplement. You find what you are looking for and there on …
Before You Go Under the Knife
Health Alert 22 New studies have shown that two surgeries done on many thousands of people have a similar problem. The problem is – they don’t work. Have you ever …
Try a Delicious Alternative
Health Alert 25 The scientific community is finally coming around to the idea that the Mediterranean tradition of eating is not only easy and delicious but also the best way …
A Way to Save Money and Improve Your Health
Health Alert 27 The markups on prescription drugs are appalling. A drug that costs you $5 a tablet may have ingredients worth less than one cent. The reason – They …
The Real Frankenstein This Halloween
Health Alert 33 It’s Halloween. We are reminded of the enduring popularity of Frankenstein’s monster. In recent years, genetic manipulation threatens to create monsters Mary Shelly could never have imagined. …
Which Antioxidants Do I Take?
Health Alert 36 Patients often ask me, “Doctor, which vitamins do you take?” This is what I tell them: • I have taken a multivitamin every day for 30 years. …
You Should Know … Before You Eat Steak
Health Alert 49 The meat you are eating may be giving you health problems. It has the wrong kind of fat that’s unhealthy for your heart. But, contrary to what …
Deadly Seafood … What to Do
Health Alert 50 Your seafood may look fresh, but it could hide serious health hazards. You could risk chills, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, shock, and even death. Today I’m going to …
What You Have to Know … Before You Eat
Health Alert 51 Today, I want you to take the first step toward tapping into the preventative and healing power of food. Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine.” But …
Treat Yourself and Your Loved Ones
Health Alert 52 Valentine’s Day is coming. Stores are stocking up with chocolate hearts. Should you give chocolate to someone you love? Can you eat it without feeling guilty? For …
Are You Immune?
Health Alert 61 You may not know that you some of your childhood immunizations are no longer effective. You may need a booster to keep you protected. With the constant …
Toxin in Your Teeth
Health Alert 62 The American Dental Association (ADA) insists that mercury fillings are safe. They claim mercury amalgams are a problem only for those sensitive to mercury. Their proof is …
How to Treat Your Cold Naturally
Health Alert 63 There is still no cure for the common cold. For most of us malaise, congestion, runny nose, and sore throat can last up to 2 weeks. OTC …
Building a Better Pyramid
Health Alert 68 We Americans are too fat. The USDA food pyramid is making the problem worse. This pyramid has contributed to the startling rise in obesity over the past …