How the FDA Went Bad…

Dear Reader,

There’s a good chance you have this chemical in your blood right now…

The chemical is called bisphenol A (BPA). It’s used to make plastics. It’s at the center of a huge controversy. Scientists say it’s dangerous. Big business – and the FDA – says, “don’t worry… there’s no risk… don’t ask questions…”

But there’s cause for concern. I just read another new study showing a strong link between bisphenol A and a number of chronic diseases, like heart disease and diabetes.

This chemical is bad news. It looks like the hormone estrogen. And when it gets into your blood stream, you’re in trouble. Extra estrogen will make you fat, slow and tired. It can even wipe out your sex life. If it stays in your blood long term it can trigger cancer or other diseases.

The test results were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). I don’t always agree with their conclusions, but there was a convincing editorial in the issue that published the BPA study.

Most doctors and scientists are in agreement. The threat of bisphenol A is real.

The researchers found a powerful link between bisphenol A blood levels and a host of serious health problems, including:

• Heart disease

• Obesity

• Type 2 diabetes

• Liver damage

• Brain damage

• Inflammation

• Reproductive cancers and abnormalities

• Metabolic disruptions

• Decreased antioxidant activity

• Low-birth weight babies and other fetal abnormalities

Exposing you to this chemical is another experiment with your health. An experiment you never consented to… And there’s more: When the National Institutes of Health did random blood tests, nearly every American had BPA in their blood.

Worldwide production of BPA has reached 7 billion pounds per year. The author of the study concluded: “Higher BPA

exposure, reflected in higher urinary concentrations of BPA, may be associated with avoidable morbidity in the community-dwelling adult population.”

Translated into plain English, this means that BPA is responsible for deaths that could have been avoided.

But don’t wait for the government to protect you. They won’t. You can help yourself and your family by taking a few simple steps:

• When possible, choose glass instead of plastic.

• Eliminate pesticides from your water: I recommend drinking only purified water.

• Wash your vegetables and fruits before you eat them.

• Cut off any visible fat from meat before cooking, since chemicals and hormones from the feed collect in the fat.

• Avoid processed meats, because they have fat ground in.

• Avoid processed carbohydrates like bread, cereals, and pasta. They make your body release excess insulin, which builds fat and stimulates feminizing estrogen.

• Eat vegetables high in fiber to keep yourself regular. When stool remains in your bowel for a longer time, more estrogen is absorbed.

• Eat more cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels’s sprouts, and cabbage. They help you excrete excess estrogen.

• Eat hormone-free food and free range animals whenever possible.

• Incorporate more estrogen-inhibiting foods into your diet. Some of the best and tastiest sources are squash, onions, green beans, cabbage, berries, citrus, pineapples, pears, grapes, figs, melons, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

1 vom Saal et al. “Bisphenol A and Risk of Metabolic Disorders.” Journal of the American Medical Association. 2008. 300(11):1353-54.

2 Lang et al. “Association of Urinary Bisphenol A Concentration With Medical Disorders and Laboratory Abnormalities in Adults.” Journal of the American Medical Association. 2008. 300(11): 1303-1310.

3 vom Saal et al. “An extensive new literature concerning low-dose effects of bisphenol A shows the need for a new risk assessment.” Environmental Health Perspectives. 2005. 113(8):926-933.