As a Doctor, I Should Know Better

Dear Health Conscious Reader,

I never used to think about “beauty products.” Most guys don’t. But recently I was asked to consult for “natural” beauty products, so…

I started reading the labels.

I couldn’t believe what women were putting on their faces.

Turns out they’re slathering their faces with chemicals and things distilled from petroleum and crude oil.

Have you heard any of these warnings?

  • “Harmful… through skin absorption.”
  • “Corrosive.”
  • “Skin contact… may produce pain, redness, severe irritation, or full thickness burns.”
  • “May be absorbed through the skin with possible systemic effects.”

I bet you haven’t. You won’t find these warnings on any cosmetics label.

I got them from Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). The government requires companies to post MSDS’s in any workplace where these dangerous chemicals are used.

Cosmetic companies warn their workers about these chemicals.

But they don’t warn you.

They simply tell you the products are “natural” and safe.

Even I had thought that “natural” on a label meant something. As a doctor, I should know better.

Your skin won’t stay healthy when exposed to chemicals and other toxins. In fact, there’s a good chance your skin will start to look older faster.

Truth is, your skin needs two things to be beautiful:

1. Water, and…
2. Good nutrition

But, as you age, your skin loses the ability to hold water and take in nutrients. That leads to dry, sagging skin.

Here’s the good news:

You simply need an effective way to keep water in your cells and get more of the nutrients you need.

Here’s a simple 2-step process I use to do that…

Step 1 is protecting your skin from the sun, pollution, free radicals, and the destructive effects of aging.

There are nutrients in your skin that protect cells from damage. One of

the best is CoQ10. Turns out it’s not just good for heart health. You can use CoQ10 on your skin for a beautiful complexion.

CoQ10 helps your face look younger by supporting youthful energy levels inside the cell, and helping your skin stay healthy as you age.

Step 2 for younger, more beautiful skin is water.

When your skin cells have enough water, they hold their shape. That means your skin feels taut and elastic.

The key is water… or more importantly, the nutrient that helps attract and retain water.

I’m talking about hyaluronic acid (HA).

But, like CoQ10 and other nutrients, levels of HA start to drop off as you get older. And the loss of HA makes your skin appear dry and wrinkly… even saggy and droopy.

HA puts back the water you lose with age. And that helps restore the tight, elastic shape you remember from your college days.

When you retain enough moisture and give your skin the nutrients it needs, your college-age skin returns.

I’ve prepared a special formula to do exactly that: Rejuvenate your skin and bring back that youthful glow. I call it CoQ-Tone.

Before you use CoQ-Tone, purify your skin with an all-natural cleanser. One that’s free of chemicals and other toxins.

Natural Beauty Products: Your Cleanser Shouldn’t Damage Your Skin… But That’s Exactly What Many Cleansers Do

Common cleanser ingredients can irritate your sensitive skin and rob it of life-giving moisture.

Splash, my revitalizing rose hip cleanser, cleans your face gently and thoroughly while nourishing your skin. Splash’s natural ingredients hydrate, moisturize, and nourish your skin. You’re left feeling soft, clean, and refreshed.

Splash gently removes the dirt and pollutants that can make your skin look old before its time. And the selective blend of essential oils and plant extracts in Splash help you maintain a vibrant, youthful look.

Here’s what you do:

Simply wash your face with Splash and apply CoQ-Tone with a cotton ball or pad.

That’s it.

You’ll Start to See – and Feel – the Difference Right Away

Unlike other toners and cleansers, CoQ-Tone and Splash won’t dry your skin.

They never feel greasy or oily, and they’re safe enough to use on very sensitive skin.

After using both together, you’ll notice:

  • Better, brighter complexion
  • The appearance of more even color and better tone
  • No irritation or burning
  • Soothing, moisturizing quality with a smooth surface feel
  • Reduction in the appearance of blemishes
  • Smaller, tighter pores
  • Tight, elastic skin

And you’ll look great.

I want you to feel this for yourself.

And there’s no risk. Use CoQ-Tone and Splash for as long as you like. Get a feel for it. Watch how it makes your skin look firmer and younger. Feel the softness.

If you don’t, there’s no charge. You can even return two empty bottles. No problem.

I’d rather you have the opportunity. Even if I take all the risk.

I told my customer service team to give you a nice discount when you reply to this letter.

Get yours HERE…

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD