How to Win the Battle Against Cancer

Dear Health Conscious Reader,

Last week, I told you about CoQ10‘s cancer fighting power. When my friend Dr. Allan Spreen saw it, he sent me this report. I think you should read it.

It tells the story of a U.S. Air Force doctor who made a remarkable discovery back in the 1970s. It’s responsible for 3 out of 4 of all cancer deaths… yet no one is talking about it. In the report you’ll find the name of the inexpensive substance that stops this killer in its tracks.

Plus, you’ll find at least a dozen of the most effective alternative cancer treatments available today, such as selenium.

In fact, there’s new evidence that selenium may reduce your chance of getting skin cancer by as much as 60%.1

Australian and Dutch researchers discovered that folks with the highest amounts of selenium in their blood have a 57% lower rate of basal cell carcinoma and 64% lower rate of squamous cell carcinoma. (Basal cell is more common but less dangerous; squamous cell is more likely to turn malignant.)

I consider it an important part of any cancer defense. You should too, especially if you’re fair-skinned. One in five Caucasians develops skin cancer at some point in their lives.2

I get my patients on 200 mcg of selenium per day. You’ll find it in most high-quality multivitamins.

Of course, the most natural way is to get more of it in your diet. Organ meats, garlic, fish and nuts are all rich in selenium. (A single Brazil nut contains 100 micrograms.)

You’ll read more about selenium and other cancer fighters in Dr. Spreen’s report. Staying informed is your best way to beat cancer, and this is one of the best resources I’ve seen. Read on for a special offer.

To Your Good Health,


Sears, MD

  1. Van der Pols et al. “Serum Antioxidants and Skin Cancer Risk: An 8-Year Community-Based Follow-up Study.” Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2009. 18(4):1167-1173.
  2. Wong et al. “Basal cell carcinoma.” BMJ. (2003) 327(7418):794-8.