Got Real Milk?

Dear Health Conscious Reader,

Yesterday there was a report in The Wall Street Journal that once again attacked unpasteurized milk.

The FDA has been scaring Americans about this natural food product for decades.

I come from a family of farmers, and milk was a staple of my diet growing up.

We’d have it delivered to the house in glass bottles and go through a gallon a week per person. When I’d go to my grandma’s, she’d pour me a glass straight from the bucket… straight from the cow.

Back then, we never worried about whether milk was raw or pasteurized, and we were healthy, strong, and never sick a day. Today, you won’t find raw dairy products in your local grocery store. It’s against the law in some states.

Raw milk from grass-fed cows has been used for disease prevention since the time of Hippocrates.1 Grass-fed raw milk builds immunity. Any time you build your immunity, you help prevent disease.

When you build your immunity high enough, you set up a protective shield around you that prevents germs and viruses from attacking. You can walk into a room full of cold and flu victims and never catch a thing.

Grass-fed raw milk is a good source of important disease fighters like vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, and good bacteria to strengthen your immune system. When you pasteurize milk, the heat destroys all of the immune-fighting properties.

Grass-fed raw milk also contains the most important health-building ingredient of all: enzymes.

Enzymes are inflammation fighters and immune builders. But they’re destroyed within minutes by heat during pasteurization.

Here is a sample of what’s lost:

  • Amylase: Amylase breaks down carbohydrates in food as it’s digested.
  • Catalase: Catalase is a strong antioxidant that protects cells.
  • Lactase: This is what’s missing when people are lactose intolerant. Lactase makes it easier to absorb other nutrients as well.
  • Lipase: Lipase breaks down fats like triglycerides and improves the way your body uses them.
  • Phosphatase: Phosphatase helps your body absorb and use the calcium and phosphorous in milk.
  • Lactoferrin: Lactoferrin helps protect you from disease. In fact, lactoferrin defends the body against invasion by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.2 Lactoferrin has the same protection-fighting power as mother’s breast milk for an infant.

Here’s how to add raw milk to your diet:

  1. Some states allow you to buy raw milk products. Others do not. Click here to find out where you can buy raw milk in your area.
  2. You can also purchase a share in a cow or in a farm in your area. You pay a monthly fee for board and milking, and in return you receive milk from “your cow.”
  3. If these options are not possible, look for a brand of milk that is pasteurized through a “low-heat process.” Many health and natural-food stores carry brands that use a lower temperature that does not destroy all the enzymes and nutrients.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

  1. Anthimus, De observatione ciborum: On the Observance of Foods. tr. & ed. Mark Grant. Totnes, Devon UK: Prospect, 1996: 117.
  2. Ochoa TJ, Cleary TG “Effect of lactoferrin on enteric pathogens.” Biochimie. 2009 Jan; 91(1):30-4.