Health Alert 21 You have seen that cutting calories is not the best way to lose weight. And that eating enough protein can “throw a switch” that will get your …
Reprogram Your Genes and Reverse Diabetes
Health Alert 75 You can reverse diabetes. Recent gene research has revealed that diabetes is not an irreversible genetic disease. Diet, physical activity, and environment can change the way that …
Low Fat Lunacy
Health Alert 101 Could you use a little help staying trim and lean? My first rule if you are trying to lose body fat is – Ignore the low-fat advice. …
Cure Constipation and Stay Regular Without Laxatives
Health Alert 116 The human diet has been chalked full of fiber throughout our entire history. Only recently, with the advent of modern foods has fiber been removed from our …
How Wild Is Your Dinner?
Health Alert 131 Last week I ate grisly bear. I shared the meat with a good friend. Afterwards M.F. said that if I hadn’t, he would have lived his whole …
It's OK to Be Sweet
Health Alert 137 You know carbohydrates can be fattening. But, contrary to what most of my patients have been told, the risks versus healthy benefits of carb foods are not …
Good Breakfast / Bad Breakfast The Misguided Breakfast Advice Continues
Health Alert 148 “Cereals are bad for you.” With so much positive press for cereals, this statement shocks my patients. They sometimes stare in disbelief waiting for me to admit …
Atkins Was No Fatkins – Let Dr. Atkins Rest in Peace
Health Alert 157 Many of you have seen media reports that Dr. Robert Atkins died a fat man. Let me assure you this is not the case. I met with …
Can This Breakfast Food Reverse Alzheimer’s?
I’m sure you’ve noticed how expensive eggs have gotten lately. The price has soared more than any other food in the supermarket…up 60% from one year ago.1 One reason for …
Prediabetes drug increases risk of diabetes!
Raise your hand if your doctor has ordered a blood test to check your glucose. Most do, whether or not you have symptoms of diabetes. If your fasting blood sugar …
Reset Your Hunger Hormone to Shed Fat Easily
Have you ever shivered on a cold day? Do you ever feel a little light-headed when you stand up too fast? I’m sure you’ve broken a sweat while doing your …
You’ve Already Subscribed
Thank you for being a subscriber to Doctor’s House Call and Health Confidential advisories. Please click here to download your FREE report. If you are not already receiving Dr. Sears’ …
Atkins Without Beef…What's Next?
Have you heard about this “Eco-Atkins Diet” that a bunch of researchers dreamed up to please vegetarians?
Dr. Atkins must be rolling over in his grave.
These veggie-wackos want a diet that offers “Atkins without animal fat.” They call it, “Eco-Atkins.”
Holy cow!
The Atkins Diet is all about eating animal protein. So how do you eat a high-protein diet without animal fat? Turns out we’re supposed to bulk up on soy burgers and wake up to the smell of vegetarian bacon – whatever that is!
Like Pouring Gas on a Wildfire
Dear Member, As you age, you have a good chance of being affected by changes in blood sugar levels. Why? One in four Americans over 60 struggles with this problem.1 But …