B Vitamins Better Than Drugs…

Today I want to talk to you about B vitamins. They are your best protection against heart attack and stroke and more powerful than any drug.
B vitamins are controversial, but they shouldn’t be… a lot of what you hear about them comes from misleading reports sponsored by drug companies.
Big Pharma is working on drug versions of B vitamins, especially B6. They’re hoping you’ll “trust” their drug version over the kind you get from a multi-vitamin.
But really, why would you pay hundreds of dollars for a prescription form of B6 when you can get it at your local vitamin store for pennies?
B vitamins are water soluble, which means you’ll find them in the meat of animal protein, instead of the fatty part. Some B vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables, but your best source is red meat. And for B12, red meat is your ONLY source.
About 25 years ago, I developed a phrase to help my fellow medical students remember the names for all the B vitamins. I still use this to teach nutrition today: