Every time I come back to Africa, I’m reminded just how natural the health care is here. I recently watched one local herbalist cure a patient of chronic heartburn with …
The Real Cure For Food Attacks
Have you seen those antacid commercials where people’s favorite foods attack them? Chicken wings and corn dogs smacking people in the face… I get a laugh out of those, too. …
Nature's Cure for Indigestion
You sit down to a fine meal. A couple hours later you develop heartburn, and you reach for an antacid. One doesn’t work. So you take another. You’re bloated, gassy, and miserable. Nothing helps, so you try to go to sleep. Then at 3 a.m., you wake up with the worst burning pain you can imagine.
Clearly, antacids are not the answer.
Here’s some good news… sometimes heartburn and other digestive problems are solved by digestive enzymes.
When is Acid a Good Thing?
I’ve seen patients who eat Tums like candy. They claim relief from heartburn. Plus, they think the calcium in Tums would help keep their bones strong.
Unfortunately Tums are not a good source of calcium… and they’re not a good solution for chronic heartburn either. In fact, taking over-the-counter antacids does you more harm than good.
You Should Know this about Heartburn…
Dear Reader, Do you ever get heartburn? It’s usually not about stomach acid… Heartburn is usually a muscle problem. It’s called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). It’s a flap that …