Astonishing Study Puts You in Control of Your Genes

We used to believe that there was nothing you could do about your genes. You were stuck with what you were born with. In fact, you can turn your genes on and off or not use them at all.

A new study proves you can alter your genes with what you eat. It showed that more than 1,000 genes were changed in just six months simply by getting more of a key nutrient. Omega 3s

What has the power to do this? Omega-3s, the essential fats that your body uses to power up the heart and brain. It turns out that omega-3s don’t just guard your heart from inflammation and hardening of the arteries. They change your genes so that they are less likely to produce these things in the first place.

This transforms the way we think about our family and our future. You’re not bound to a lifetime of poor health and disease, just because of your family’s “bad” genes. You can take control – and help change the cards you were dealt.

Omega-3s aren’t the only nutrients that alter your genes. There are others. Today, I’ll tell you which four all-natural “superstars” you can start taking to re-map your genes. I’ll show you which nutrients can shut down the genes that cause heart disease and slow down the ones that cause aging.

Omega-3s Halt Heart Disease

The real cause of heart disease is inflammation. Inflammation causes plaque to build-up in your arterial walls. And causes hardening of the arteries.

Was Darwin Wrong?

Recent research, like the omega-3 study is turning long-held beliefs in the scientific community upside down.

For example, for over a century, strict Darwinists have believed that any changes you make during this lifetime can’t be passed on to your children.

That means that even if you led a healthy lifestyle and supplemented with omega-3s to change your gene expression for the better, your children wouldn’t benefit from it at all.

We’re now learning that this isn’t so.

One study conducted by Dr. David Martin split genetically identical pregnant mice into two groups.

One group got a standard diet and the other group received an identical diet with one exception – added supplements like folate, vitamin B12, zinc and choline. Once the mice gave birth, the female offspring  both groups were mated and given a diet with absolutely no supplements.

Those female mice then gave birth. What the researchers discovered next was amazing. The original (grandparent) mice that were fed the supplemented diet passed the beneficial gene expression to both the children and grandchildren.

This flies in the face of Darwin’s theory that changes to genetic expression can’t be passed on.

In fact, this discovery puts the limelight on Darwin’s long-time rival, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829).

Contrary to Darwin, Lamarck believed that any changes made to an organism during its lifetime (as a result of adapting to its environment) get passed on to its offspring.

This study along with others are now proving Lamark’s basic theory… and that’s exciting news for you.

You have control over your health – and the next generation’s health!

Just think. Make good choices now and your children and their children will have a head start when it comes to preventing disease and experiencing life-long health.

The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, shows that taking high doses of omega-3s tells your genes to focus on preventing inflammation and hardening of the arteries.

The omega-3s – specifically EPA and DHA – transforms the expression of 1,040 genes after just six months. EPA and DHA are two types of omega-3 fatty acids.

According to the researchers, “These results are the first to show that intake of EPA plus DHA for 26 weeks can alter the gene expression… to a more anti-inflammatory and anti-atherogenic status.”1

Put simply, once your “good” genes get switched on, it’s like having 24/7 protection for your heart.

Engineer Yourself to Better Health

The new study confirms that the food you eat – and your environment – directly influences which genes are turned on and off in your body.

Only you can take care of the personal responsibility part. That means eating natural, unprocessed foods like our ancestors did.

This includes:

  • Animal protein, like wild-caught fish, organic, grass-fed beef, and free-range chicken.
  • “Good fats”  foods like almonds, walnuts, eggs, and Haas avocados.
  • All kinds of vegetables – especially dark leafy greens like spinach and kale.
  • Fruits. Great choices are blueberries, apples and blackberries.

It also means exercising your heart and lungs like I describe in my PACE program. The right type of physical exertion affects gene expression. Short bursts of intensity followed by recovery trains your body to be able to respond to your environment.

This is the same type of exercise that our caveman ancestors did when hunting prey. And I’ve yet to see evidence of cavemen dying of heart disease.

Once you’ve taken control of your health by eating nutritious foods and exercising, the last step to rewriting your genetic code for a healthier heart is the easiest.

Re-Write Your DNA with These 4 All-Natural Superstars

Here are four nutrients that have a positive impact on gene expression:

Omega-3s – Today’s food supply gives us an overabundance of omega-6 fatty acids – the ones that can cause inflammation if left unchecked. Omega-3s balance out these omega-6s in your body. Ideally, you want an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 2:1. If you’re a typical American, you probably have a ratio of 20:1.

The key is getting that ratio down to healthy levels. When you get more omega-3s in your system, your cells get to work. They tell your genes not to produce inflammation and hardening of the arteries.

The most widely available source of EPA and DHA is cold water oily fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies and sardines. Eggs and grass-fed beef are also good sources. Grass-fed beef has double the omega-3s of grain-fed beef.

You can also get omega-3s in some plant-based sources such as flax seeds, sacha inchi nuts, butternuts, walnuts, and chia seeds. But these omega-3s are in the form of ALA, alpha linolenic acid, which then has to be converted to DHA and EPA in the body.

The easiest way to ensure you’re getting enough omega-3s is by taking a quality fish oil supplement. I recommend 1-3g every day.

Resveratrol – You’ve probably heard all about the anti-aging properties and heart benefits resveratrol provides. Resveratrol slows down the aging clock, by activating sirtuins (your “anti-aging” genes).

But here’s what you may not know… in a recent study, researchers explored the influence of resveratrol on gene expression. What they found was significant. It turns out that as we age, gene expression in different tissues of the body change as genes are switched on and off.

In the heart alone, there are at least 1,029 genes whose functions change with age. Resveratrol was found to counteract this age-related genetic change 92 percent of the time.2 It’s found in red grapes and in red wines  the cooler regions of France. I recommend 200 mg per day.

Vitamin B12 – This cheap nutrient protects your heart by reducing blood levels of a simple inflammatory protein known as homocysteine. But recent research also shows it prevents your cells  dying young.

It does this by lengthening your DNA’s telomeres. Telomeres are like a ‘tail’ on the end of all your DNA strands. They’re in every cell in your body. Every time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter. Finally, when there’s no more telomere left, your cell stops dividing and ultimately dies. And, as you can guess, when your cells stop dividing, you die.

The easiest way to get B12 is to eat foods rich in the stuff. That includes grass-fed beef, tuna and salmon. Otherwise, supplementing is a great option. I suggest you take anywhere  100 – 500 mcg every day.

Vitamin C – This powerful antioxidant helps your cells and DNA live longer by preventing telomere shortening. It does this by neutralizing harmful free radicals that can cause abnormalities in your DNA and genetic code.

The best way to get vitamin C is to eat fruits like kiwis, oranges, grapes and strawberries. Supplement with at least 3,000 mg every day.

  1. M. Bouwens, O. et al. “Fish-oil supplementation induces anti-inflammatory gene expression profiles in human blood mononuclear cells” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Volume 90, pages 415-424. June 2009
  2. University of Wisconsin-Madison (2008, June 8). Substance In Red Wine, Resveratrol, Found To Keep Hearts Young. ScienceDaily. Retrieved