Do We Have to Throw Away Our Fishing Poles?

I love to fish. Even though, when I take my son Dylan fishing, he catches fish like crazy, and I never seem to catch a thing. But it doesn’t matter. Fishing puts us in a different world. As the Babylonian proverb says, “The gods do not deduct from man’s allotted span the hours spent fishing.”
So… How sad it was for me to discover that we can’t eat the fish caught in most streams anymore.
I’ve always believed it’s better to eat wild cod, wild salmon, and bass we catch in freshwater streams, because it’s far healthier than farm-raised fish. But there’s some disturbing news I need to share with you. Wild-caught fish is not the clear-cut choice it used to be…

Astonishing Study Puts You in Control of Your Genes

We used to believe that there was nothing you could do about your genes. You were stuck with what you were born with. In fact, you can turn your genes on and off or not use them at all.
A new study proves you can alter your genes with what you eat. It showed that more than 1,000 genes were changed in just six months simply by getting more of a key nutrient…