Fifty years ago, the American Heart Association convinced millions of people to ditch nutrient-rich foods like eggs in favor of low-fat grains and starches. Since then, heart disease has soared …
Simple Ways to Improve and Protect Your Vision
If you’re squinting to read this letter – or you had to put on a pair of reading glasses – I’ve got good news for you. A recent study from …
Is Curcumin Not Working For You? This Might Be Why…
For a long time, curcumin was the most popular supplement in the country. Millions of Americans turned to this root for its incredible health benefits…only to stop using it because …
Ignore AHA’s Fake Seal of Approval
I’m sure you’ve seen the red heart with a white check mark on the packaging of low-fat foods like cereal, bread, and crackers. Using the term “heart-healthy” in the same …
Good Study, Bad Advice…
For decades, you were told that cholesterol is Public Enemy #1 when it comes to heart health. Today you see messages promising to lower cholesterol plastered on cereal boxes and …
Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s in an Unlikely Place
For years, I’ve been telling my patients that the prevailing theory about Alzheimer’s is all wrong. Corporate medicine and their friends in Big Pharma keep blaming the disorder on “bad” …
Red Wine “Waste” Could Extend Your Lifespan
I enjoy drinking a nice glass of red wine with my grass-fed steak dinner. And the health benefits are an added bonus! But, it turns out the seeds from red …
The Link Between Fibromyalgia and Nutrition
My patient Betti L. is proof of the healing power of primal nutrition… Let me tell you her story. Betti had been suffering from fibromyalgia for more than a decade. …
Protect Your Health at the Cellular Level With “Longevity Vitamin”
It’s frustrating to hear conventional doctors talk about the “diseases of aging” – like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, or poor bone health – as if there’s nothing you can do …
“Moon” Rocks Fights Diabetes
Each day, about 4,000 people in America get the bad news: “You have diabetes.” That’s 1.5 million new cases diagnosed every year. It’s a staggering number that shows no signs …
The Real Anti-Aging Strength of Vitamin E
The NIH recently updated its guidelines for the year… Not only did they dismiss the health benefits of vitamin E, but they also made the outrageous claim that it’s potentially …
Strange Link Between Wrinkles and Osteoporosis
Wrinkles may be a sign of something other than getting older. Something even your doctor would never suspect… They may be an early warning sign of bone disease. Two recent …
AHA Backs Another Faulty Heart-Health Study
The anti-cannabis movie Reefer Madness is considered one of the most discredited films ever made. It was a propaganda film that helped fuel the failed war on drugs. It blamed every “evil” you …
Soybean Oil Linked to Alzheimer’s, Use These Oils Instead
Big Agra has done an incredible job of selling consumers the so-called “health benefits” of soy. I’ve been warning my patients to ignore the hype for years. Because the truth is, soy …
Reverse Immune Age 20 Years with “Telo-Nutrition”
Big Pharma regards telomere therapy as a direct threat to its multibillion-dollar drug business. And conventional doctors, well-meaning as most of them are, usually just go along with the flawed …
Ancient Root Restores Cognitive Function
The United States is in the middle of an Alzheimer’s epidemic. In the next 20 years or so, this devastating, memory-erasing disease is predicted to affect 1 in 4 Americans. …
How Steak Can Heal a “Broken Heart”
Every year, you hear dire warnings about elevated heart attack risks around the holidays. Usually, these are accompanied by bad advice that suggests eating beef and too much-saturated fat is …
Anti-Aging Hormone Keeps Stress Low and Telomerase High
For years I’ve been trying to get conventional doctors to wake up to the fact that stress accelerates the arrival of old age by increasing the amount of cortisol coursing …