1 Hour to Support Heart Health

A pioneering doctor I used to know was hounded out of the country for practicing an alternative treatment called “claw therapy.” This therapy uses a compound called ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, or …

Taxing Meat?

In the U.S., there’s a new “sin tax” being proposed for the purchase of red meat. If it happens, we’ll be paying 34% more for a steak. The government claims …

Health Food Hoax Harms Bones

You hear it everywhere… “Soy is a superfood” and “tofu is much better for you than meat.” Of course, it’s all part of the food industry’s marketing plan to get …

Why Keto Diets Fail

Following a keto diet can burn pounds of unwanted fat, while training your body to burn fat as fuel. But if you’re doing aerobic exercise, you might not get the …

Fake Steak for Dinner?

It’s already tough to distinguish between real food and fake “Frankenfoods” at the grocery store. But a new revolution in food technology is about to make it even harder. I’m …

My Med School Flips on Fat

A new study from researchers at the University of South Florida just came out advising that we should eat more fat.1 It’s what I’ve been recommending to my readers and …

Gladiator Skincare Beauty Secret?

Roman gladiators used to scrape the dirt, oil and sweat from their skin after they finished fighting, bottle it and sell it to women who used it as an anti-aging …

I recommend this instead…

American cardiovascular patients pay over $2,500 a year for widely prescribed heart medications — and more if they use non-generic specialty drug… But for what? Every year, nearly a million …

They Fed You a Big Fat Lie

It’s not natural to eat first thing in the morning. Yet we’ve been fed this lie for years being told it’s the most important meal of the day. Our ancestors …

Simple Vitamin Beats Prozac

If you’ve ever experienced a depressive episode, you know depression can make you feel like there’s no way out… It’s no surprise up to 40% of people treated with depression …

Canned Food for Cavemen

We think of our prehistoric ancestors as hunters who lived hand-to-mouth… Eating what they caught that day, then going hungry when food wasn’t available. But a brand-new discovery by researchers …

Word’s Getting Out About Fat

I discovered something not long ago that surprised me. It turns out our Primal ancestors ate a lot more fat than we previously believed, and this helped their bodies and …