History Lesson for Vegetarians

Dear Health Conscious Reader,

Our ancient ancestors ate meat. They prized it above all else.

I find a sort of evidence for this myself when I travel to areas of the world where men and women are still living in nature, unaffected by the western world.

I’ll be traveling back to the Amazon jungles of Peru this summer to live among the native Ashanikas, and I’ll tell you all about it. Not only do they eat meat, but they’re doing much better than the natives who have switched to a western-style diet.

This has probably been our history for millions of years. Vegetarians like to think otherwise, but a recent discovery may prove them wrong.

This new fossil discovery shows that humankind may have been eating beef for millions of years. The fossil is the skull of a long-horned bull that dates back 2.5 million years.

Paleontologists believe it’s the “missing link” between the cattle we know today and an early African species known to live out in open areas, just like early humans. Based on their studies, they draw the conclusion that if early humans and early cattle shared the same landscape, beef was most likely on the dinner menu.

The found fossil also looks just like prehistoric rock carvings that show long-horned cattle hunted by humans with bows and arrows millions of years ago.

It’s compelling evidence. And it brings to mind a bigger question. How did humankind stay strong enough to fight off predators if they didn’t eat meat?

Meat gives you energy and strength. For ancient man, it gave him protein to build muscles. It gave him fat for energy. It contained early man’s only source of coenzyme Q10. This nutrient is critical to the production of energy in the human body.

This is a history

lesson for vegetarians, who want to believe butchering animals is a creation of modern man. It’s also a good lesson for anyone who wants to be healthy.

With ancient man, it was survival of the fittest. To survive, they had to remain healthy. Meat provided vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and protein to build the stamina and strength he needed so he could hunt – and run away from – wild animals.

Today, you’re faced with different kinds of predators. You’re chased by cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, obesity, inflammation, and heart disease. And you have to know how to defend yourself.

One of the best ways to strengthen your body to fight off disease is to eat free-farmed, grass-fed meat. Here’s why:

  • Beef contains 17 grams of protein per ounce to build strong bones and muscles.
  • Beef supplies vitamins, minerals, and enzymes critical for disease prevention and great health.
  • Beef supplies good fats like omega-3s and omega-6s in perfect proportion and is the best source of CLA, a cancer-fighting fat.1 Good fats are your main source of energy. They also protect the body against diseases we face today.
  • Beef is the best source of coenzyme Q10, which creates energy in every cell of your body. CoQ10 improves heart function, helps prevent disease, and strengthens every organ of your body.2

I was lucky to grow up eating grass-fed beef, and I still do today. Because of it, I am “healthy as a bull” and never get sick. Here are three easy-to-follow rules:

  1. Find a local farm that can provide you with healthy, grass-fed beef.
  2. Don’t trust the commercial beef industry.
  3. Serve beef for dinner often.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

  1. Kelley NS, Hubbard NE, Erickson KL. “Conjugated linoleic acid isomers and cancer.” J Nutr 2007; 137 (12): 2599–607.
  2. “Micronutrient Information Center.” Linus Pauling Institute, OSU. http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter. Accessed 02 10.
  3. Environmental Working Group. “Body of Burden – The Pollution in Newborns.” July 14, 2005.