Do Cell Phones Cause Brain Tumors

Did you know your cell phone emits electro-magnetic radiation?
What’s more, when you’re on your phone; these electro-magnetic waves penetrate into your head and brain. Even when you’re not using it, your cell phone sends electro-magnetic waves into your body.
This is something entirely new to the human race, and may be a threat to our health.
Here’s the problem: Your body has its own electro-magnetic field. And the waves from your phone interfere with this field.

Would You Put Your Head in a Microwave?

Your cell phone cooks your head in the same way your microwave heats up leftover meatloaf.
In fact, there’s new research that shows just how much your head is being cooked.
One study German researchers found:
Using your cell phone for just 4 minutes heats up the side of your head by as much as 7 degrees.1
If the numbers are right, it’s scary. And I’m not the only one who thinks so. Many other doctors and researchers have concerns, too..

The One Nutrient I Take Every Day…

When I was in med school 25 years ago, a small group of researchers were quietly laying the groundwork for a breakthrough that, at the time, sounded like science fiction.
Today it’s reality. People like you are keeping the power of youth into old age. I’ve seen it first hand.
Being one of the first board certified doctors in anti-aging medicine, I’ve had a front row seat for this remarkable discovery. The breakthrough I’m talking about is a brand new form of CoQ10 called Accel. It’s helping my patients make unbelievable gains…


I just saw Terri Lyttle…
She came into my office first thing this morning. She had a big smile and went around saying hello to everyone. I’ve never seen her happier.
Terri’s my patient who lost 45 pounds by walking for 45 seconds. If you knew Terri a few months ago, you’d understand. She wasn’t always so happy-go-lucky. When she first came to see me, she was tired, frustrated, and very overweight.
Today her feet barely touch the ground.
In case you missed it, I included Terri’s story below…

Would You Wash Your Face with Crude Oil?

Look at the ingredients on all those skin products out there, from moisturizers to sunscreens to shampoos, you’ll find health-threatening chemicals–propylene glycol, parabens, PABA, PEG, and mineral oil everywhere.
These chemicals pose real dangers to your health, including cancer. And, sadly they are FDA approved and labeled as healthy.
Did you know that mineral oil is a “by-product in the distillation of petroleum to produce gasoline”? And, did you know that baby oil is just mineral oil with fragrance?…

Ever Heard of Constipated Cavemen?

I changed the picture on my letters to you.
I’m amazed how many of you wrote to me with comments:
“Not trying to be critical but your new appearance makes you look like the caveman on the Geico commercial.”
“Dr. Sears’ Neanderthal look is like those Viking guys on the TV commercials. Cool!”
A lot of folks are asking me, “Why?”

Health Resources

Primal Force – Rediscover Your Primal Energy and Native Strength Primal Force The ONLY Force that Rebuilds You the Way Nature Intended…Strong, Powerful, Healthy and Energetic.   Pure Radiance, Inc. …

Lessons From My Nutrition Class

Health Alert 158 I teach nutrition class at a university. All the approved textbooks promote the USDA Food Pyramid. The Food Pyramid is a recipe for weight gain. It encourages …