Liquid gold for your skin

It’s sometimes called “Liquid Gold” because the oil is so prized. When I went to Africa I saw mothers rub it on newborn babies’ skin, and women brush it into …

Press Release – Simply Beautiful


Their Main Drug Causes Diabetes

Modern medicine has been prescribing statin drugs for 20 years now. But just recently the FDA announced that they have accepted the fact that statins increase the risk for hyperglycemia …

The Biggest I’ve Ever Seen…

He drove slowly, careful not to scrape the sides of his truck as we drove. The streets of his neighborhood are paved but narrow, with barely enough room to get by. Ancient stone walls topped with strange carvings pressed in from both sides. Wild cacao trees, the biggest I’ve ever seen, loomed overhead.
As we made our way toward his hidden garden, the roads narrowed even more, now no wider than a sidewalk. Man-made walls gave way to thick foliage and immense trees. There were plants on top of plants as far down the road as you could see.
We drove into what looked like a tree tunnel, made a quick right and squeezed the truck through a tiny opening … and what I saw amazed me. A huge field with walking paths and more plants growing everywhere.
How could this be right here, with no hint of it from the road?
We got out of the truck and the first thing I saw was peppermint, just like I have growing in my yard in Florida. There was tapioca, which grows so thick the locals even use it for fences.

Tree of Life

When I traveled to India and visited the home of Ayurvedic medicine, the world’s oldest health system, one of my favorite things I learned was their name for the coconut palm tree.
They call the coconut palm kalpa vriksha which means “the tree which provides all the necessities of life.” What a great name. The tree of life.
We have coconut palms here in South Florida, and seeing them always gives me the feeling of lazy afternoons at the beach, and warm tropical breezes.

One-Two Power Punch

I want to show you a remarkable compound that nature, in its wisdom, has provided a dual role for.
1) It’s what you use to tell your muscles to move.
When you have the thought that you would like to hit that golf ball, it starts as an electrical impulse. Then it’s translated into the muscle, and there’s a chemical messenger that makes that happen.
2) It’s also responsible for your alertness and memory.
So we find that when people have more of it, they’re smarter, more alert, and have better recall… but they also perform better.
Athletes who have more of it are faster, stronger and more competitive.

Japan vs. Three Mile Island

Does it occur to you that they’re doing the same thing in Tokyo that they did in Three Mile aIsland?
Back in 1979 – exactly 32 years ago yesterday – they were telling everybody for the first couple of weeks not to worry. Then they told everyone to stay inside. Then they evacuated. And then they finally told everyone the truth – that it was a dangerous radiation leak.
And radiation is the biggest fear people in America have from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant was damaged, and the situation keeps getting worse.
They’ve told the people around the plant to stay indoors or leave, but I don’t know how those poor people could leave. It seems like the roads are all blocked or damaged. Most of them are stuck there, being exposed to radiation day after day.

Will We Still Have Babies?

I was just reading the journal Human Reproduction. A Danish study found that if a woman who’s pregnant with a son takes just one 500 mg acetaminophen pill during her second trimester he’s twice as likely to have fertility problems.
It gets worse. If she takes more than one type of painkiller, the risk goes up 1,600 percent.1
The reason is that painkillers, considered “mild” and “safe” by most doctors, suppress testosterone. And not just a little. They drive it down more than the 10 most “gender-bending” chemicals called estrogen mimics that women are exposed to normally – like BPA and plastic-hardening phthalates – combined.

Six Steps to a Pure and Clean Body

We’ve had millions of years of pure, clean food and water. Changes were made in the last 100 years that are threatening to take that from us. We don’t evolve fast enough for how much our environment is changing. We weren’t designed to live in our current world of man-made chemicals, toxins and pollutants.
For instance, there was a study done that looked at the blood of babies born in American hospitals. They looked for 415 chemicals and found traces of 287 of them in the babies’ blood.1

Missing Link Ate Meat

Vegetarians aren’t going to like it. But the evidence is now complete. We were meat-eaters for the entire 100 percent course of human evolution going back millions of years. In fact, we ate meat even before we became human.

Look and Feel Like a Teenager Again

When I was in med school 25 years ago, a small group of researchers were quietly laying the groundwork for a breakthrough that, at the time, sounded like science fiction.
Today it’s reality. People like you are keeping the power of youth into old age. I’ve seen it first hand.
Being one of the first board certified doctors in anti-aging medicine, I’ve had a front row seat for this remarkable discovery. The breakthrough I’m talking about is a brand new form of CoQ10 called Accel. It’s helping my patients make unbelievable gains…

The One Nutrient I Take Every Day

When I was in med school 25 years ago, a small group of researchers were quietly laying the groundwork for a breakthrough that, at the time, sounded like science fiction.
Today it’s reality. People like you are keeping the power of youth into old age. I’ve seen it first hand.
Being one of the first board certified doctors in anti-aging medicine, I’ve had a front row seat for this remarkable discovery. The breakthrough I’m talking about is a brand new form of CoQ10 called Accel. It’s helping my patients make unbelievable gains…

Take Back Control of Your Pet's Health

Pets are not living longer, healthier lives. Surprised? It’s true. Our pets are simply taking longer to die from chronic disease and poor health. And for many animals that process starts very early in life.
The reasons are simple. Part of the reason is that we believe the blatant lie that processed pet food equals good nutrition, and we load our pets up with toxins. The result is the chronic diseases we see today in increasingly younger animals…