I’ve admired Linus Pauling for years. In 1976, the Nobel Prize-winning chemist gave mega doses of vitamin C to 100 “untreatable” cancer patients. He then compared these so-called terminal patients …
Bali Book Beats Cancer
I’ve never been to China… but my clothes have. The first time I visited Bali, that’s where the airline sent my bags. But you know me… I just went with …
"Forgotten" Vitamin Destroys Cancer Cells
This “forgotten” vitamin can prevent cancer and destroy certain types of cancer cells.
Its anti-cancer properties were first discovered by accident.
Researchers in Japan were studying this vitamin’s role in the prevention of bone loss in women with cirrhosis.
It’s well known that those with cirrhosis of the liver due to viral infection (like Hepatitis C, for example) are at a much higher risk of developing cancer.