Heart Breaking News About Athletes

Here’s the most important thing about exercise for your heart…
Endurance training, like cardiovascular endurance (“cardio” for short), is not the only thing your heart and lungs need. It won’t keep your heart and lungs from shrinking with age. And it won’t make your heart less prone to disease.
Here’s proof…

Terri isn't used to all this attention…

Since I first told you about Terri’s remarkable PACE transformation, my office has received hundreds of calls, emails, and letters from people around the country.
They all want to know one thing:
How did Terri drop 68 pounds (and counting!) just from walking for 45 seconds, then resting?
It flies in the face of everything you’ve been told about exercise and weight reduction. What about doing hours of cardio? What about jumping around in aerobics class and sweatin’ to the oldies?
Terri is proof that you don’t need aerobics and cardio. You never did…

Exercising But Not Losing Weight?

A cover story in TIME magazine tells you exercise won’t help you lose weight.
In the article, a professor from Louisiana State University says, “… for weight loss, exercise is pretty useless.”1
If you’re a regular reader you may already recognize the ignorance of this professor’s statement.
What is he missing?


You are in the middle of the biggest epidemic the world has ever known. Two out of three Americans are now overweight. Diabetes is 9 times more likely than it was just 30 years ago. Heart disease kills over 1,000,000 each year in the US alone and the World Health Organization (WHO) has recently announced that for the first time in history, these “chronic diseases” surpassed all other causes of death worldwide.