I Hear You Loud and Clear

What you eat affects your hearing.
You might think hearing loss is just because of age. You see it all around you … everybody you know who’s elderly has hearing loss.
But they may have hearing loss because they’re all eating the same junk and not getting enough nutrients.
That gives us a new outlook on this epidemic of hearing loss. And also a way to prevent it.
Hearing loss doesn’t start when you get old, though. It happens earlier than you might think.

Three Nutrients Help Your Hearing

Patients who come to me with unwanted noise filling their head non-stop are among the most frustrated. You can’t sleep. You can’t read. It’s tough to concentrate on anything.
When I went to medical school, like all beginning doctors, I had to learn a new language. We doctors have different words for everything. So we don’t call it “ringing in your ears.” We call it tinnitus.