
My Tropical Island Tea

All around me was the greenest green I’d ever imagined, spilling over with flowers and vines and herbs in every direction.
Bali is the lushest place I’ve ever been, with plants on top of plants, and flowers and herbs everywhere.
It was a perfect day outside – sunny and not too hot.
My guide and new friend Westi was sitting with me in a kind of covered shelter with a big brown picnic table area after our tour of his incredible herb garden.
“You were telling me about holy basil…” I said. “… and you called it…”

I’d Rather Be Sick…

Buddhist monks live a strict life of depriving themselves. They don’t have any kind of sexual activity and try to stop themselves from even having any desires. They are not allowed to marry, or even touch a woman. Sex and lust are the most important things to avoid.
And do you know how they prevent all those sexual urges and desires?
They eat soy.
If that’s what you had to do to be healthy, I think I’d pass.

Sorry, Vegetarians…

People still mistakenly believe that eating a lot of protein from meat hurts your bones.
The reason is that some studies found that people would lose lots of calcium through their urine after eating protein.
Scientists have speculated for decades on the reason for all that calcium leaving people’s bodies. Way back in 1968, a piece published in The Lancet theorized that you use calcium from bones to counter the acidity produced when you break down the meat you eat when you digest it.
And the theory stuck.
But just speculating it was “because of meat” doesn’t make it true.

Are Your Vegetables Watered Down?

In a perfect world, you’d be able to get all the nutrients you need from the food you eat.
But, we don’t live in a perfect world. There’s the problem.
Vegetables which used to give us vital nutrition are losing their power, and we’re all feeling the effects.

Put THAT in Your Pipe and Smoke It!

I still see doctors writing and saying there is no evidence that vitamins really do anything for anyone.
Oh, really? What about this?
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada just published the results of a new study of a cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and herbs. They showed that they could delay major aspects of aging. And, it extended lifespan by 10 percent!