In your quest for better health, you’ve probably read a lot about vitamins and nutritional supplements. But how about minerals?
Many minerals, like iron and zinc, are essential to life. Without them, your body could not function. And because your body can’t make them, you need a reliable source from your diet.
On commercial farms, the soil no longer has the minerals it used to. That means you may be suffering from a mineral deficiency…
Put THAT in Your Pipe and Smoke It!
I still see doctors writing and saying there is no evidence that vitamins really do anything for anyone.
Oh, really? What about this?
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada just published the results of a new study of a cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and herbs. They showed that they could delay major aspects of aging. And, it extended lifespan by 10 percent!
Will Vitamins Become Prescription Only?
Your right to make choices about your own body is being challenged.
I seldom, if ever, discuss politics with you. But this in one occasion when something needs to be said.
There’s a new bill in Congress.
If it passes, the FDA will have the right to permanently take away any vitamin or natural supplement it chooses. And once it’s gone, your access disappears… forever…
These Deadly Toxins are in Your Blood Right Now…
A horrific study hit my desk. Many of my patients have a hard time believing it. But you need to do something.
It found 287 chemicals and other toxins in the blood of newborn babies.1 One of the pesticides that turned up the most was a by-product of DDT – a pesticide banned in 1972.
Should the FDA Regulate Your Vitamins?
Congress is pushing for the FDA to regulate your use of vitamins and supplements.
Considering the downright scary job the Food & Drug Administration has done with regulating drugs, do you want them telling you how to make healthy choices?
Vitamin Blood Levels Taught Me This…
Dear Reader, Did you know that every vitamin you take can be measured in your blood? When a patient comes to my Wellness Center for the first time, I always …
Are Vitamins Worth It?
Dear Reader, Do you really need to bother with vitamin supplements? Big Pharma has an interest in you believing that your only effective solution is to take expensive and toxic …