I Almost Fell Over Backwards…

“This is a cananga flower…” Westi picked one off of the small tree behind his shop.
“That looks like ilang-ilang (ylang-ylang).”
“Yes. It is from the same tree family. Smell… it’s very fragrant.”
I took some of the yellowish green petals from Westi. “That’s beautiful.”
“The ilang-ilang tree is very tall. Cananga is small, so I can have one here by the shop. Lelir will use the flower to make Jamu.”
Jamu is the name for the ancient group of natural cures and medicines they use in Bali.
The Balinese don’t like pharmaceuticals, and don’t really trust Western-type medicine. So they…

Put Three Critical Nutrients Back On The Menu

Hope you had a happy Fourth of July! Did you have a barbeque and throw a couple of steaks on the grill?
Don’t feel guilty if you did. Meat is one of the best sources of your most important nutrients.
Does your doctor try and make you feel bad about eating a big, juicy steak?
The diet advice that modern medicine prescribes is to replace meat with unnatural grains, corn and soy. But your body doesn’t recognize them as food because they don’t have the nutrients you need. And then doctors still try to tell you that you don’t need a nutritional supplement.

How To Build Strong Bones That Last a Lifetime

I have some news for you that goes against almost everything you hear on CBS News, or read on WebMD… osteoporosis isn’t caused by a lack of calcium.
Mainstream medicine still has its head in the sand on this. I just read a new study from the Journal of the American Dietetic Association claiming – again – that you aren’t getting enough calcium, and that calcium is what prevents osteoporosis.
Don’t get me wrong, calcium is critical for making bone. But you’re getting enough calcium. It’s in almost everything you can think of – like bread, milk, orange juice, pasta, yogurt, toothpaste, chewing gum, snack crackers and granola bars… it’s even in your water, depending on where you live. That’s a lot of calcium.
In fact, two studies back up what I’ve known for years. Higher calcium intake doesn’t prevent fractures due to bone loss,1 and can damage your heart.

How I Know My Vitamins Are Natural

Did you know that every vitamin you take can be measured in your blood?
This led to a surprise for me early on in my career. When I started testing vitamin levels in the bloodstream of my most health-conscious patients, even the ones who swore they took a multivitamin every day, they were malnourished!
I had to do some researching to understand why.
Here’s what I learned:

They're Not Giving It To You…

I was doing research on the heart recently when I came across a report published by a cardiovascular clinic. They found that Americans are now so deficient in vitamin D we’re suffering in a way I’m not even allowed to tell you about here.1
Meanwhile, the modern health industry insists you stay out of the sun even though sunlight is nature’s way of creating vitamin D in your body. They claim modern farming is growing nutritious crops even though crops from big farms have far fewer nutrients than we used to get in our produce…