It’s a fact of life – we all get older. The real challenge is how we age. And I want to make sure my “golden years” – and those of …
Sunshine and Telomeres
A warm sunny day … what could feel better? Yet the warm sun on our skin that we all crave gets a lot of bad press from the medical establishment. …
I Just Turned 58, But…
The knowledge that there’s a control mechanism for how we age takes the chains off of us. Telomere biology sets us free because we’re not just destined to do “what …
“Sleep” hormone reawakens your youth gene
You could be 80 years old and feel like a teenager. Or you could be in your 30s and feel like you have one foot in the grave. The secret …
“Youth” mineral gives you anti-aging advantage
I always had an idea that deep down, living longer isn’t what people want. As long as they’re mobile and independent, and still have a sharp mind, most people accept …
The DNA of Christmas
I hope Santa has been good to you, and you’re not too frazzled and stressed. It happens every year around this time… right after the holidays, I get quite a …
This Muscle Could Save Your Life
You probably know someone who’s fallen and broken a hip. But what you may not know is that it’s not just elders who fall. The risk for breaking a hip …
A Nutrition Pioneer
I got a great magazine in the mail last week. It’s a TIME special edition about all my heroes in science. Sir Isaac Newton, Einstein, Pasteur… I read a little …
Holiday Afterburn
This holiday season, you’re going to hear all kinds of stuff that’s going to make you feel guilty. Like, you can’t enjoy yourself over the holidays because you’re going to …
Are Your Telomeres In Trouble?
Living in the 21st century affords you many luxuries. High-speed computers… cell phones… air conditioning and LCD TVs. But the chemicals and industrial solvents that make them possible are poisonous. …
Censor This!
I got censored by the new Big Brother. This time it’s not Big Pharma or our government that’s trying to muzzle me. I’ve been censored by Google. Google blocked my …
Do You Want To Be Attractive?
Take a minute and look at these two pictures… If you’re a man, be honest. What do you think of her figure? If you’re being honest and you’re like most …
Soda’s Secret Cell Sabotage
Drink just 12 ounces of soda a day and it will shorten your telomeres. 20 ounces a day is even worse … it shortens your telomeres as fast as smoking. …
A Cross Between Ginger and a Carrot
I woke up with the sunlight … and birds singing so loudly I thought they were in the room with me. I walked out of my cottage to a warm …
Lost Secret To Better Vision
Ancient cultures knew the value of the whole, fresh foods they ate, and what to do with them. Like eating fish for better eyesight. Unfortunately, this way of looking at …
Power Boost That Could Save Your Life
You probably know someone who’s fallen and broken a hip. But what you may not know is that it’s not just the elderly who fall, or break their hips. You …
My Favorite Magic “Milk”
The fermented milk product kefir is one of my favorite examples of how nature has science beat. Have you heard of kefir? Modern science can’t duplicate it. Even though they …
Chimpanzees Nicer Cousins Taught Me . . .
When I return to Africa in a few months I’ll make my base in the same spot near Kampala, Uganda where I’ve gone for my last two trips there. I’m …