Safe, Natural, Long-Term Arthritis Relief

Conventional doctors will tell you that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is genetic. But it’s not… You don’t get this painful joint swelling because you were born with “bad genes.” Like most …

Big Food’s Big Lies

Eight essential B vitamins make up the building blocks of a healthy body. B complex vitamins help you make energy from your food, improve brain function, prevent memory loss, and …

Boost Blood Flow with PACE

In a recent letter, I told you that if you can move, you can exercise using my PACE principle. But maybe you still have a few doubts… Today, I want …

Heal Your Brain with Breathing

Breakthrough evidence out of Israel backs up what I’ve been telling my patients for years… You can prevent, slow down – and even reverse – Alzheimer’s development using hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or …

Secure Your Masculinity

When it comes to your prostate, forget what conventional wisdom tells you. Prostate disease is not part of the “normal aging process.” And contrary to what you’ve been told, too …

Protect Yourself from Lead Exposure

America has long had a love affair with the open road. In fact, our country’s “car culture” is so strong that we associate the word automobile with freedom. By the …

Got Real, Raw Milk?

It used to be that the most difficult choice you made regarding milk was whether it was delivered fresh to your house or you bought it at your local shop. …

Asian Delicacy Boosts Brain Health

East Asian cultures are known for their incredible longevity. In fact, they outlive people in almost every other part of the world. But they don’t just live longer. They remain …