I’ve written to you recently about how hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saved New York Jets quarterback Joe Namath from a traumatic brain injury — and reversed his brain damage. It …

Primal Plate Trumps Prozac

There’s a big connection between what we eat and how we feel — both physically and mentally. As a regular reader, you’ve heard me talk about my Primal Power Meal …

Nature’s Memory-Loss Fighter

Most mainstream doctors say memory loss is a natural part of aging. They’ll tell you that getting older is associated with a greater likelihood of developing memory loss. And that …

Common Alzheimer’s Misconception

Alzheimer’s is not genetic. And it’s definitely not irreversible. You see, there’s nothing wrong with the “genes” of virtually every person who develops this awful disease. Yet patients around the …

Her Arthritis Vanished

Anne B. from Pennsylvania started taking omega-3s to help her overcome brain fog and forgetfulness. And within a few months, Anne’s memory began to improve. But what happened next took …

NFL Star Beats Opioid…

I’ve written to you before about how a cutting-edge therapy I offer at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine is helping NFL players like Joe Namath recover from the traumatic …

Nobel Prize Primal Alzheimer’s Cure

Today I want to tell you about an Alzheimer’s patient who completely REVERSED his disease without Big Pharma’s dangerous drugs… For 12 years, T.P. had been suffering from younger-onset advanced …

Pain Meds Stealing Your Memory?

Taking a couple ibuprofen to treat your occasional aches and pains typically isn’t a problem… Popping the pain reliever every single day for the rest of your life is. And …

Forgotten Child Recalled

Retired toothpaste factory man Robert F. from Indiana was suffering from short-term memory loss. And he was scared. He didn’t know if this was the beginning of something more serious …