Before You Take that Vitamin A …

Health Alert 210 About 30 years ago, we began to see evidence that foods rich in vitamin A prevented several types of cancer. Soon though, direct trials of vitamin A …

How To Recognize A Real Vitamin

Health Alert 275 Industrialized farming has depleted our soils.(1) Foods once nutrient rich, now contain only a small percentage of the nutrition they had 100 years ago.(2) Taking the right …

A Better Vitamin E

Health Alert 78 Your multivitamin may be short changing your health. You know that Vitamin E is a valuable nutrient. But it is important to know that there are several …

More Important Than Vitamin A

Health Alert 84 Is your multivitamin really protecting your body from disease? Or is your multivitamin shortchanging your health? You know that taking a multivitamin can cut your risk of …

Vitamin A Is Not Enough

Health Alert 117 You have heard Vitamin A is good for your eyes. You should not however rely on Vitamin A supplementation. It will not protect your eyes from the …

Stay Strong All Winter Long

I was just reading my nutrition journal and I found something just by lucky accident that is very important this time of year.
In a new study just published this past Friday in The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, they took men with low vitamin D and gave them a daily supplement. Only 1,000 IU a day was enough extra vitamin D for the men to have consistent, significant improvements in muscle strength.
Vitamin D benefits your muscles because it regulates muscle calcium, muscle cell growth, and muscle fiber size. It also prevents degeneration and protects against insulin resistance so you can have more energy in your muscles.
The reason I say it’s important this time of year is because we just pushed the clock back an hour and that has a drawback. Less time to get enough vitamin D – the “sunshine vitamin.”

What's in Your Sunscreen?

If you use a sunscreen, you could be doing something worse than throwing your money away. You could be risking your health.
Because most sunblock products contain ingredients that can increase the damaging effects of the sun’s rays!
Sunscreen’s Dirty Secret
Little Tyler seemed like a healthy 12-year-old. Full of energy, she played outside with her brother and friends every day.
But then she began complaining about feeling achy “all over” – especially in her legs. After months of worry, doctors finally identified the culprit. Every day, before Tyler and her brother went out to play, their mother applied a layer of sunscreen.
The sunscreen kept Tyler’s body from making the vitamin D she needed, and her bones were turning weak and soft.13
Tyler isn’t alone. Experts say the number of children and adults with low vitamin D levels has sky rocketed due to sunscreen use. And this has caused a huge jump in bone problems and other health issues.14
That’s why I created Solis – so you can get the vitamin D you need and the sunscreen power you want.
University of California researchers discovered that oxybenzone – a common sunscreen ingredient – booststhe production of dangerous free radicals in your skin after just 20 minutes of exposure to the sun!1
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says you should avoid using BHA – another common sunscreen ingredient – if you’re going out in the sun. And they say you shouldn’t use it at all on young children!2

The Sun IS Your Sunscreen

Corporations would have you believe the sun is a cancer-causing ball of radiation threatening our planet.
But the fact is, the sun protects you from cancer. It enhances your health and is vital to your well-being.
One of the most important ways the sun protects you is through your skin, which makes vitamin D from its ultraviolet type B rays. And it’s vitamin D that keeps you from getting not just skin cancer, but more than a dozen others.
Here’s the proof in black and white:

The Most Effective Non-Drug You Can Find

Is the Institute of Medicine (IOM), which bills itself as the “advisor to the nation on health,” trying to make you sick?
I wouldn’t blame you if you thought so… The U.S. and Canadian governments asked the IOM to look at its inadequate recommendation for vitamin D at 400 IU per day. So the IOM has just come out with its new recommendations. It says that “all North Americans are receiving enough vitamin D” from their diets and exposure to the sun. It also says there is “inconsistent and conflicting results” on whether or not vitamin D protects you from cancer and other diseases.

They're Not Giving It To You…

I was doing research on the heart recently when I came across a report published by a cardiovascular clinic. They found that Americans are now so deficient in vitamin D we’re suffering in a way I’m not even allowed to tell you about here.1
Meanwhile, the modern health industry insists you stay out of the sun even though sunlight is nature’s way of creating vitamin D in your body. They claim modern farming is growing nutritious crops even though crops from big farms have far fewer nutrients than we used to get in our produce…

No Drug Delivers Results Like This…

Vitamin D can keep you from having a heart attack. It’s as simple as that.
Not only that, it does it with no side effects.
I’m not being dramatic here. In fact, just last month, I found more proof.
Researchers proved that people with the highest levels of vitamin D had a 43 percent lower rate of heart disease.

Canada Beats US in Cancer War…

I recently wrote about a report out of a university in Nebraska showing that vitamin D has the potential to lower the risk of all cancers in women by 77%.1
In the last 15 months, 5 more bombshells exploded showing the power of vitamin D to stop cancer. Here’s the rest of the timeline:

The AHA Was Wrong About Cholesterol

A few years ago, the AHA and the American College of Cardiology rewrote their cholesterol guidelines. The results were hardly surprising. They recommended that almost every older American take a …

Wake Up Immune Cells Your Body Isn’t Using

After two and a half years of misinformation, mask mandates, government-enforced lockdowns, and straight-up bullying over vaccines, the CDC finally admitted that the agency in charge of protecting our country’s …