Sunshine Vitamin Gets Even Better

There’s one nutrient that has more health benefits than any other I can think of. I’ve written to you about this nutrient before. But today, I have a startling new benefit you should know. It has to do with Parkinson’s disease…
Parkinson’s disease doesn’t follow the rules. There’s no known cause. And everyone is at risk.
Including you…

B Vitamins Better Than Drugs…

Today I want to talk to you about B vitamins. They are your best protection against heart attack and stroke and more powerful than any drug.
B vitamins are controversial, but they shouldn’t be… a lot of what you hear about them comes from misleading reports sponsored by drug companies.
Big Pharma is working on drug versions of B vitamins, especially B6. They’re hoping you’ll “trust” their drug version over the kind you get from a multi-vitamin.
But really, why would you pay hundreds of dollars for a prescription form of B6 when you can get it at your local vitamin store for pennies?
B vitamins are water soluble, which means you’ll find them in the meat of animal protein, instead of the fatty part. Some B vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables, but your best source is red meat. And for B12, red meat is your ONLY source.
About 25 years ago, I developed a phrase to help my fellow medical students remember the names for all the B vitamins. I still use this to teach nutrition today:

The Truth About "Vitamin Sunshine"

You can lower your risk of 17 types of cancer by 77%, just by taking a simple nutrient:
Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin.”
Even if you take vitamins, you’re probably not getting enough D. In fact, in one study I read, when over 1,200 people were randomly screened, more than 87% had a vitamin D deficiency.
My patients do their best to get in the sun and take supplements. But when they come to my clinic, their levels of vitamin D are still too low.

Will Vitamins Become Prescription Only?

Your right to make choices about your own body is being challenged.
I seldom, if ever, discuss politics with you. But this in one occasion when something needs to be said.
There’s a new bill in Congress.
If it passes, the FDA will have the right to permanently take away any vitamin or natural supplement it chooses. And once it’s gone, your access disappears… forever…

Overlooked B-Vitamin Beats New Drug

Recently in the news there was an important report regarding the cholesterol-lowering drug ezetimibe – being marketed as Zetia.
A trial comparing the drug to niacin was halted mid-stream.
Why? Most likely because the result was not what they expected. It doesn’t improve HDL. It also increases the thickness of artery walls.

B Vitamins to the Rescue

With a simple test I can tell you if you’re likely to have a heart attack or stroke.
I can also give you a remedy to help make sure you never do – no matter how high your risk is…
The test checks for levels of homocysteine. It’s your number one indicator of heart disease.
The big drug makers play down the importance of this critical factor. They haven’t figured out a way to make any money from it, so they try to convince you that it doesn’t matter.
Turns out knowing your homocysteine level is even more useful than we thought. Homocysteine can foretell a host of other diseases as well…

"Forgotten" Vitamin Destroys Cancer Cells

This “forgotten” vitamin can prevent cancer and destroy certain types of cancer cells.
Its anti-cancer properties were first discovered by accident.
Researchers in Japan were studying this vitamin’s role in the prevention of bone loss in women with cirrhosis.
It’s well known that those with cirrhosis of the liver due to viral infection (like Hepatitis C, for example) are at a much higher risk of developing cancer.

Taking Vitamins and Still Feeling Sick?

Ever go to a restaurant where they refuse to cook your steak medium rare?
The warning that your meat is not safe unless you cook it until it’s dry and brown is bad advice. It’s not justified by the facts and cooking your food that way can cause arthritis, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
This indiscriminate overcooking of food is a bad idea. It denatures protein, breaks down vitamins and removes nutrients. Now I’ve uncovered an even more serious concern. Many cooking techniques that achieve a high temperature trigger a chemical change called glycation that mimics aging. New studies have linked eating these foods to premature aging and a host of chronic diseases.

Use Vitamin C to Reverse Disease

Today, most doctors insist that cholesterol is the cause of heart disease as they dole out dangerous cholesterol-lowering drugs.
But few ever realize that vitamin C deficiency plays a major role in heart attack and stroke. And, vitamin C therapy can reverse years of accumulated damage to help you:

Better than “Vitamin E”…

Dear Reader, Last year I found something in Peru I want to tell you about… I was walking with my friend Octavio on the outskirts of the Amazon basin in …

Are Vitamins Worth It?

Dear Reader, Do you really need to bother with vitamin supplements? Big Pharma has an interest in you believing that your only effective solution is to take expensive and toxic …

Your Sunshine Vitamin…

Dear Reader, Did you ever wonder why the sun is now so dangerous? Didn’t we always have sun exposure? The sunscreen industry tells you to avoid sunlight because it causes …

200 Times More Powerful than Vitamin E

Health Alert 176 Would you like an aide in weight loss that can also strengthen your bones and help prevent cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and heart disease? And it’s available at …