I’ve developed a new “sunscreen capsule” that protects your skin from the inside out.
Now you can protect your skin from the sun’s rays without covering yourself in a greasy layer of toxic sunscreen. And there’s much more to the story.
This high-powered ingredient prevents long-term damage to your skin. That means you won’t be left with dry, weathered skin as you age…
People with this Factor Live Past 100
Cutting-edge research is revealing the power of a “master antioxidant” – a tripeptide molecule called glutathione (GSH).
People with the highest levels of GSH are the ones who routinely live past 100. Plus, it may prevent a host of chronic diseases like arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer and diabetes – just to name a few…
Look What's Brewing in Your DNA
By lengthening your telomeres, you can extend your life. And that means for the first time, you can actually stop – even reverse – the aging process in your body.
Here’s the thing: Your telomeres are extremely vulnerable to oxidative stress…and that’s exactly what antioxidants protect you against. This helps keep your telomeres long. And that, in turn, will help you live a longer and healthier life.
Space-Age Discovery Adds 10 Years to Your Life
You know stress hurts. You worry, you feel anxious… you lose sleep. That’s old news. But now, through the discovery of telomeres, we can actually measure the effects of stress. And the wear and tear is more distressing than we even imagined.
Researchers at the University of California discovered that stress speeds up aging.1 This makes your cells die before their time – and produces all the terrible effects we think of as aging.
Swine Flu: The Best Thing You Can Do Right Now
I’m just getting ready to leave Brazil, which means I’ll be hopping on a plane to South Florida soon. Naturally, all I’m hearing about is the swine flu…
Did You See this on 60 Minutes Last Night?
Dear Health Conscious Reader, Did you happen to catch CBS’s 60 Minutes last night? There was an anti-aging story that caught my attention. Morley Safer spoke to Dr. Christoph Westphal …
How Bad Science Can Make You Sick…
Dear Member, Have you heard all the talk about selenium? The newspapers are saying it won’t prevent prostate cancer. But those reports are misleading. Today I’ll give you the real …
Vitamin Blood Levels Taught Me This…
Dear Reader, Did you know that every vitamin you take can be measured in your blood? When a patient comes to my Wellness Center for the first time, I always …