The Next Time You Take That Receipt…

The next time the grocery store clerk hands you a receipt, remember this. That receipt contains millions of times more bisphenol-A (BPA) – the cancer-causing, estrogen-mimicking chemical – than a plastic water bottle.
BPA is dangerous, even in small amounts. Studies show that it may cause cancers, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and more.
Now, I’ve come across some research that shows your common, everyday store and credit card receipts are laden with BPA…

Are You Going to Let Them Turn You into a 'Girly Man'?

You already know that industrial chemicals can be dangerous. But did you know that modern industry is putting hundreds of chemicals into your everyday environment that mimic the female hormone estrogen?
These estrogen look-alikes are waging war on your masculinity. This saps your strength, muscle, ambition, competitive spirit and sexual performance. As your estrogen rises and your testosterone drops, you can expect:

Million Dollar Bribe

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pay off as obvious as this one.
And I’ve been watching companies buy FDA approval for decades. In fact, a huge portion of the FDA’s budget comes directly from Big Pharma and other industries in the form of “user fees.”…

Mutant Fish in The Potomac

Mutant fish swimming the in Potomac River are threatening your energy levels, your sexuality – even your future.
A few days ago, a team from the US Geological Surveys reported they are finding large numbers of male fish with female traits.1 This is nothing new, but the numbers today are far higher than anyone has ever seen before.
In some Potomac tributaries, nearly all the male smallmouth bass caught in the survey were abnormal. In the Potomac itself, 7 out of 13 largemouth bass had female characteristics. Some of them were even producing eggs!