Terri Brightens Up The Whole Office

My patient Terri L. is bubbling with energy.
When she comes into the office now she has a big smile on her face, she greets my whole staff and has so much to say. She’s shed 80 pounds so far, and she was in the office just yesterday telling my staff happily, “… and everything that’s left is all muscle!”
Terri seems completely unrelated to the person I met when she first came to me as a patient. She was lethargic, walked slow and talked slow. She had her head down all the time, spoke in a monotone and had hardly any animation.
Now she’s very energetic, and everyone notices the difference.

The Skinny On Fat

Guess what they feed a pig if they want to make it as fat as possible as fast as possible?
Low-fat milk.
Because if they give the pig milk with fat in it, the pig gets satiated. It’s satisfied and won’t eat any more. But if they give it low-fat milk, it will eat the grain they feed it forever because it’ll have a deficiency of fat.
Now think of what we’re eating for breakfast in this country…

“I Get Noticed Everywhere I Go”

Take a look at this …
“I’m 50 years old and started taking Primal Lean about six months ago. I’ve lost a total of 75 pounds and I’m now a size 2. A SIZE 2! I have never been a size 2 ever, probably not even as a child. Thrilled is an understatement. It has brought my marriage back to life. I am noticed everywhere I go. I have so much energy and am so sincerely happy I cannot begin to tell you. The ability to try on anything and be happy with the way it fits and looks is amazing.
“Dr. Sears, you have given me something I could never accomplish on my own. The smallest I could ever get was a size 8, which seems huge compared to the size I am wearing now. THANK YOU!”
Let me explain…

Your Ultimate Fat-Loss Hormone

Researchers discovered a hormone that can help us unlock the mystery of weight gain – and weight reduction. Leptin is a hormone made from fat cells, and tells your brain how much energy you have and how to use it. When you have enough, leptin tells your brain to stop eating and start melting fat. When your energy is low, leptin tells your brain to increase your appetite, so you’ll start eating.

Dr. Sears' Personal Fat Loss Regimen

I’m in the same boat as everyone else. Occasionally, I discover that I’ve put on a few extra pounds. So I have to refocus.
When I was getting ready to climb Humphries Peak, I didn’t want to carry any extra weight up the mountain with me. Even a few pounds can make a difference in a climb like that.
So I decided to get lean. I made some simple changes and dropped 15 lbs. quickly.
You can do it too. Here’s what I did.

Get the 6-Minute 'Bathing Suit Body'

Summer’s here. That means it’s time to roll out your “beach-ready” body for maximum outdoor fun.
If you’re not feeling quite there yet, don’t sweat it. My good friend and PACE® trainer Coach Yari just showed me and my staff a turbo-charged 6-minute workout. It’s awesome. This routine will get your body burning fat like a blowtorch.