The Calorie Burn Myth

One of the worst myths I hear is that if you want to drop weight, you have to first cut calories. If the first thing you do is restrict calories, your body will fight you every step of the way, and you’ll never see results.
Your body is an intelligent system. I think of changing my body as a coaching job. I don’t try to force it. I try to get it to cooperate.
This means that instead of depriving yourself, the first thing is your body needs to be in a safe and plentiful environment. Then, the natural metabolism we evolved with for thousands of years will begin rebuilding the naturally lean body you were designed to enjoy.
I’ve spent over 25 years researching this topic, studying the science and history behind metabolism and weight gain. I’ve been able to apply what I’ve learned at my clinic on both myself and thousands of my patients.
I feel fortunate that my books and videos have helped thousands of people in the real world. Yet I’ve been able to have a kind of success working individually with clients that I haven’t always been able to get through books and DVDs.

I’m Proud Of My High Cholesterol

Cholesterol does not cause heart disease. Cholesterol is what heart disease acts upon.
Cholesterol is a good thing. The more you have, the longer you’ll live.
In fact, the prestigious medical journal The Lancet did a study that looked at 724 people and followed them for 10 years. Researchers found that higher cholesterol meant a lower chance of dying from any cause.1
Cholesterol is a part of your body, and it’s a bad idea to declare war on a part of your body.
Unfortunately, many people who rely on mainstream medicine for health information haven’t gotten the message.
The way modern medicine treats cholesterol is the same as saying, “You have Alzheimer’s disease, let’s cut off your head.” It’s like if you come to me to have your bone mineral density measured, and I say, “We’ve found a problem with your bones. We have to take them out.”

Tiny Body Clocks

Inside your body are tiny “countdown clocks” that determine how long you’ll live.
By slowing the countdown, you may be able to extend your lifespan, and you’ll feel younger longer.
Today, I’m going to show you how to tap the remarkable power of these tiny timekeepers so you can keep doing everything you want for longer than you ever thought possible.
This will be a major focus when we open my new Anti-Aging Center. It’s part of my resolution to you that in the next five years, we’re going to make 100 the new 50.
And it starts with increasing your Body Intelligence.
Improving your Body Intelligence is about:
• enhancing your speed and power
• keeping the stamina to go all day long
• boosting your natural defenses against infections and aging.
A higher body IQ means you can have the same freedom and choices when you’re 100 years old that you have when you’re 50.
But it’s not just for people over 50…

Are They Joking?

I’m having a hard time believing it isn’t some kind of late April Fool’s joke.
I just read an article in The Journal of Family Practice, a conventional doctor magazine.
The author seems amazed, telling readers that, hey, we’ve got something very unusual here. There’s a guy who came in who had numbness and pain, and we didn’t know why. He didn’t have diabetes or any other condition known to cause it. It took 13 years to figure it out and it turned out to be this rare side effect of – can you believe it – a statin drug!
Are they kidding?

Afterburn – Transform Your Body While You Rest

Today I want to talk to you about one of the most important benefits of my PACE program.
I’m talking about “afterburn.”
Afterburn is a way to describe all the energy your body uses to recover from your workout. It’s how you prepare to meet the challenge of what you’re asking your body to do.
And it’s the key to transforming your body with PACE.
PACE is designed to help you exceed your aerobic energy limit and tap the power of what I call supra-aerobics.

Total Freedom to 100

Plans for my new Anti-Aging Center are moving fast, and everything is getting finalized this week.
In the next five years, we’re going to make 100 years old the new 50.
We’re going to use a new measurement of how young your body is called Body Intelligence.
Body Intelligence is the total measurement of:

More Lung Power, More Life

Lung power is the number-one predictor of how long you’ll live. How well you breathe determines how long you’ll stay active and healthy.
The medical journal Chest did a 29-year follow up to the Buffalo Health Study, which followed over 1,100 people up to age 89. They found that the better your lungs work, the less likely you are to die of any cause. The correlation was even stronger for heart disease.1
This makes me wonder about all those workout “gurus.” They keep telling you to do “cardio” which only wears down your heart and lungs. The studies prove that lungpower – not wearing down your heart with hours of aerobics – will keep you going.
Most doctors aren’t aware of this, either. They don’t bother to measure your lungpower during a doctor visit. Yet it’s easy to do, and I measure it at my clinic.
The best way to tell how powerful your lungs are is a measurement called VO2 max.

The Body You Were Meant To Have

I’m amazed when I watch pro athletes at the top of their games. They have incredible speed and power. And if you’re a reader you know I’m a tennis fan. I play tennis every morning. So I loved watching the Australian Open tennis tournament that just ended.
It’s pretty impressive to watch how strong and fast these men and women are. They hit the ball so hard, and can twist their bodies and do incredible things with a tennis racquet in their hands.
Their bodies seem to be built for it, don’t they?
But what if I told you that you can have that same kind of lean, muscular body?
In fact, you were designed for it.
Let me explain…

The Heart of the Matter

Did you ever notice how we use the heart to describe almost everything about ourselves? It’s built into the way we talk. If you’re close to someone they’re “near to your heart.” You can want something “with all your heart.” If you say what you feel you “get to the heart of the matter.” When you’re happy and carefree you’re “young at heart,” and when you see something uplifting it “warms your heart.”
You can use it to paint a picture of almost anything good, happy and inspiring.
But it isn’t just an idea… in an important way, your heart really is what gives you vitality. It gives your brain the blood it needs so you can think clearly, it gives you stamina… It’s what gives you strength to perform at your best, and it gives you sexual performance…

Surprising Secret for Stronger Joints

I’m sure you know vitamin C is good for you. That it can help clear out your arteries, fight inflammation, help fight sicknesses like the cold, and that it’s even good for your skin.
But what you might not know is that right now, your body is working as fast as it can to destroy almost every bit of it.
That’s because your body doesn’t just use it … it uses up vitamin C to make collagen, the most abundant protein in your body. Collagen is the basis for your skin, bones, teeth, blood vessels, eyes, heart … essentially all parts of your body.
Collagen is stronger than steel wire, and as part of a network of an elastic-like substance called elastin, it makes up the connective tissue that holds you together.
That means that without vitamin C to make collagen, you would literally fall apart.

Reset Your Hormone Switch to "Normal"

Have you ever shivered on a cold day? Felt a little light-headed when you stood up too fast? I’m sure you’ve broken a sweat while doing your PACE exercises, right?
In all these situations, what you’re feeling is your body trying to return itself to a “normal” state. In medical terms, we call it homeostasis – a fancy way of saying that your body is reacting to its environment and trying to get back within its natural chemical, hormonal and temperature ranges.
For example, when your energy levels are low, the conventional wisdom would tell you that your hunger hormones (like leptin and insulin) signal your body to “eat more, expend less.” And when you’ve eaten enough, your hormones should tell you that you’ve had enough.

I'll Be Your Personal Fitness Coach

When I show my patients how to do PACE, amazing things happen.
People who were so heavy they couldn’t get off the couch drop 90 pounds and feel reborn. People who think they “can’t do it,” find that they can.
Now, you can get the same help without ever stepping foot in my clinic.
That’s because I’ve made a DVD of my PACE program just for you. All you have to do is push “play,” and I’ll step into your living room and walk you through my revolutionary PACE program step-by-step.

Why You Never Have to Worry About Heart Disease

We really shouldn’t be spending all of this time worrying about heart disease. In fact, it only takes us in the wrong direction.
Truth is, you need to do the opposite. Get rid of that worry once and for all. I’ll show you rock-solid evidence that what you really need to do is easy and just feels right.
But first, let’s get one thing straight … there’s no real proof cholesterol causes heart disease. You need cholesterol to avoid heart attacks and heart disease. And I’ll show you how easy it is to boost your HDL. You don’t need drugs or doctor’s prescriptions. And you don’t need to follow a crazy diet.

The Cure for Cardio Hell

Have you seen the late-night commercials for those 90-minute “extreme” fitness programs? You may have felt a rush of excitement as you watched super-fit and attractive models jump around with their six-pack abs and bulging muscles.
Let me tell you about everyone I know who bought one of those DVDs and watched them at home… They came to a very disappointing conclusion:
They couldn’t do it!

Do You Know What Doctors Are Reading?

I like to keep up on the latest news in my field.
The other day, I picked up my copy of Family Practice News, and I couldn’t believe what I saw: three articles side by side on the front page – all addressing the same thing: three different drugs … and three different deadly side effects not reported at the time that the FDA approved these drugs. And all three are still on the market.
The first story that caught my eye was about the diabetes drug Avandia. This drug is still on the market, even though it’s been proven to have caused over 83,000 heart attacks and 304 deaths.1,2

Cancer Alert for Travelers

A few weeks ago, I had the honor of speaking at the annual conference of the American College for Advancement of Medicine. They’d heard about my PACE program and invited me to speak. I have to admit, it was great to see so many forward-thinking physicians embracing the PACE concept.
The conference was held out in Las Vegas, which for me meant a direct flight from Miami. But when I hit Miami International Airport, I was in for a nasty surprise – body scanners.

They’re Just Not Getting It…

lot of people are coming around to the idea that not only does long-duration cardio training not work, it’s dangerous. But while I give them credit for catching on, they’re not getting it quite right.
In fact, one of the most popular doctors on the Internet is also not recommending long-duration cardio any more like he used to. He’s come up with his own exercise regimen. I admire him for trying, but there are serious problems with his new program, and there are a few things I do differently.

The Secret to Losing Holiday Fat Fast

How bad did you pig out yesterday?
At least you have a good excuse, right? I know I’m back to working out today. If you want to learn how to burn off those holiday pounds fast, here’s what I do:
The secret to really kicking up fat loss is to exert yourself at the “supra-aerobic” level.
But how do you get to where your exertion is at the supra-aerobic level? That’s the key. And that’s why I developed PACE.