Miracle Root Lowers Blood Pressure Naturally

Chances are if you have high blood pressure, your doctor will write you a prescription for it.
This is true for most of the doctor’s offices in my area, and around the U.S.
But not at my office.
Millions of Americans take prescription medication, like nitroglycerin, to relieve heart-related conditions. Including high-blood pressure…

Can You Answer "Yes" to This Question?

Congratulations on being a part of the PACE revolution.
If you’ve been using PACE properly, you know that the key to achieving your goals is to reach the supra-aerobic zone.
But many of my patients tell me they’re not sure how to tell if they’ve reached their supra-aerobic zone or whether they’re doing their exertion and recovery periods properly. On top of that, some of them have had a hard time tracking their progress.
Here’s what I ask them: Are you measuring your heart rate?

When Not to Do What the Doctor Orders

In the 20 years that I’ve been practicing medicine, diabetes has gone up every year.
It looks like it will keep getting worse, because medicine is still not focusing on the real solution.
Diabetes is a problem with diet, and the solution must come from food, not drugs.
Yet, new drugs are used in ever-greater numbers.
The new diabetic drugs Avandia and Actos increase a woman’s chance of breaking a bone by 50 percent. If you’re over 65 years old, your chances jump to 70 percent.1
And broken bones aren’t the only problem.
Avandia is linked to over 83,000 heart attacks between 1999 and 2007. If you take Avandia, you have a 43 percent greater chance of having a heart attack. And your risk of dying from a heart attack increases by 65 percent…

Doctor STILL Hounding You About Cholesterol?

Walk into any doctor’s office with a cholesterol level over 300, and they’ll wheel you out on a stretcher, shove you in an ambulance, and rush you to the hospital.
But, let me tell you something about cholesterol: As long as your HDL is high enough, you’re at little to no risk of heart disease.
Even if your total cholesterol is 305…

Heart Breaking News About Athletes

Here’s the most important thing about exercise for your heart…
Endurance training, like cardiovascular endurance (“cardio” for short), is not the only thing your heart and lungs need. It won’t keep your heart and lungs from shrinking with age. And it won’t make your heart less prone to disease.
Here’s proof…

A Quarter and a Glass of Water

A Quarter and a Glass of Water Saved Ed’s Life. Could it Save Yours Too? The first time I met Ed he told me his story…It could be very important for you…
He was a roofer. He was leaving a job site, climbed into his truck and turned the ignition. But as he was pulling out of the parking lot, his vision suddenly went blurry. “It’s like I just forgot how to drive. Then it got to where I couldn’t feel the right side of my body.” He clenched the steering wheel, but couldn’t move…

Lower This Inflammation Marker

An FDA advisory panel wants to get healthy people hooked on statin (cholesterol-lowering) drugs – with all their ugly side effects.
Yes, the FDA has reacted to a drug company-sponsored study showing that people with high C-reactive protein (CRP) levels had fewer heart attacks and strokes when taking statins.
But they brushed aside the 13 deaths and 18 “confused states” among the participants. And they ignored the increase in adult-onset diabetes as well.

This Can Affect More Than Just Your Heart…

Most of the heart patients I see for the first time already know high blood pressure can mean disaster for their heart health.
But here’s what they don’t know.
Having high blood pressure can also wreak havoc on your brain, kidneys, and eyes.
Here’s the scary part…
High blood pressure can quietly damage these vital organs for years before you see any symptoms. If left unchecked, this silent killer can leave you with a disability. Or worse, it can lead to a heart attack or stroke…

Overlooked B-Vitamin Beats New Drug

Recently in the news there was an important report regarding the cholesterol-lowering drug ezetimibe – being marketed as Zetia.
A trial comparing the drug to niacin was halted mid-stream.
Why? Most likely because the result was not what they expected. It doesn’t improve HDL. It also increases the thickness of artery walls.

B Vitamins to the Rescue

With a simple test I can tell you if you’re likely to have a heart attack or stroke.
I can also give you a remedy to help make sure you never do – no matter how high your risk is…
The test checks for levels of homocysteine. It’s your number one indicator of heart disease.
The big drug makers play down the importance of this critical factor. They haven’t figured out a way to make any money from it, so they try to convince you that it doesn’t matter.
Turns out knowing your homocysteine level is even more useful than we thought. Homocysteine can foretell a host of other diseases as well…

Headed for A Heart Attack in Five Years?

It might surprise you to learn that nearly 85 percent of coronary bypass surgeries are done unnecessarily. But at nearly $60,000 per surgery it’s certainly easy to see why. Since almost 70 percent of the U.S. population has some sort of heart disease—related treatments, surgeries, and drugs line the pockets of mainstream medicine and big pharma. It ultimately puts your health at risk and this infuriates me.

Marathon Kills 3 More in 16 Minutes…

This weekend it happened again.
In 16 minutes 3 people lost their lives at the Detroit marathon.
Thirty-six-year-old Daniel Langdon collapsed at about 9:02 am on Sunday between the 11 and 12-mile markers and 65-year-old Rick Brown collapsed at 9:17 am, near where Langdon went down. One minute later, 26-year-old Jon Fenlon collapsed just after finishing the 13.1-mile half-marathon.
When I was watching the news this morning I heard the announcer say sudden death “was rare” during marathon events. I suppose that depends on how you define “rare.”…

New Warning Ordered for Lipitor

If you buy Lipitor, you may see a new warning label.
Here’s a proven fact: Cholesterol-lowering drugs – also known as statins – slash your levels of CoQ10. In fact, studies found that statin drugs lower CoQ10 levels by as much as 40 percent…

Women Have "Different" Heart Attacks

If you or someone you love was having a heart attack, would you be able to recognize the symptoms?
You may be surprised to learn there’s more to a heart attack than chest pain. Especially in women. In fact, many women never realize they’re having a heart attack – until it’s too late.