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Four Surprising Steps To Living Younger, Starting Today

“This passport won’t get you into Malaysia.”
“What does that mean? My passport’s not expired… is it?”
The ticketing agent wasn’t letting me on my flight, so I was hoping there was just a misunderstanding.
“No, it doesn’t expire until next month. But you can’t enter Malaysia unless your passport is good for three months after you arrive.”
I have to admit, I didn’t know that.
I turned to my assistant S.D. “How come no one said anything about this to us?”
“Well, I asked the organizers of the Anti-Aging conference. They connected me to an official who told me, ‘As long as your passport is good at the time, you’re OK. The worst that could happen is they’d send you home. There shouldn’t be any problem.’”
Turns out, the official S.D. spoke with was wrong.

Breakthrough of The Century

It’s one of the greatest discoveries of our time, and probably the most advanced anti-aging breakthrough in this century. It’s so groundbreaking that it received the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine.
In fact, this exciting research is so new and exclusive that you’ll never hear about it from your regular doctor.
I’ve been involved in this cutting-edge technology since its beginning. And that’s great news for you. Here’s why…
In recent years, researchers have discovered the primary cause of human aging – and how to halt it in its tracks!

Tiny Body Clocks

Inside your body are tiny “countdown clocks” that determine how long you’ll live.
By slowing the countdown, you may be able to extend your lifespan, and you’ll feel younger longer.
Today, I’m going to show you how to tap the remarkable power of these tiny timekeepers so you can keep doing everything you want for longer than you ever thought possible.
This will be a major focus when we open my new Anti-Aging Center. It’s part of my resolution to you that in the next five years, we’re going to make 100 the new 50.
And it starts with increasing your Body Intelligence.
Improving your Body Intelligence is about:
• enhancing your speed and power
• keeping the stamina to go all day long
• boosting your natural defenses against infections and aging.
A higher body IQ means you can have the same freedom and choices when you’re 100 years old that you have when you’re 50.
But it’s not just for people over 50…

The Gorilla in the Room

Cancer. Just the word evokes fear.
The medical journals and newsletters I get are often filled with articles about cancer. It’s the 800-pound gorilla in the room. Once someone mentions it, it’s all you can think about.
And if you’re a regular reader, you probably won’t be surprised that most of the cancer-related articles in medical publications are only about drug treatments.
I’ve even read research on whether or not aspirin prevents cancer. I wonder who’s sponsoring those studies … Are they really trying to tell us that people are getting cancer because of a deficiency of aspirin?

Reverse the Signs of Aging in a Single Month

Advances in anti-aging technology are reaching new heights, and that’s great news. Because now, for the first time ever, you can control how quickly your skin ages.
It’s a breakthrough that can extend the youth span of your skin cells to reduce visible signs of aging. It has even been shown to reverse existing skin damage.
The groundbreaking substance I’m talking about is called Teprenone, and in clinical studies, the results were astonishing. Over a period of 30 days:1

The Biggest Epidemic We’ve Ever Known

In 1976, a doctor at a small research institute in Menlo Park, California, a tree-lined town outside of San Francisco, did something no one had ever done before.
He took 100 untreatable, terminally ill cancer patients… and he fed them.
He fed them 10 grams of a simple, plentiful nutrient each day.
And they lived.
Not for a few days. Not for a few months…
They averaged living on for nearly a year with no other treatment. Some were still alive almost four years after being diagnosed as terminal.
The doctor compared his 100 with 1,000 other terminally ill patients. They averaged living for only 38 days.

Turn On Your DNA

There’s new evidence that a simple “fuse” inside every cell in your body is getting shorter and increasing the chance you’ll get cancer by 300 percent.1
But we’ve just figured out how to re-lengthen that fuse.
It’s so important that the researchers who discovered how it works won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2009.
I’ll show you how this Nobel-Prize-winning discovery is changing human history. And how you can be one of the first to tap its remarkable power to allow you to keep doing everything you want for longer than you ever thought possible.

Better Than Living Forever

I love being in my 50s. I have the wisdom to use what I’ve learned in 30 years of being a doctor. And I’ll keep learning new things, too. It’s a great time in my life.
But I don’t want to live forever. Don’t get me wrong, I want to keep going the way I can now well into my 90s, and even past 100. But immortality doesn’t appeal to me.
I don’t know about you, but when I think of living forever, it’s scary and depressing. Everyone I know would be gone. It would be like a curse straight out of a science fiction movie.
What I do want is to keep getting new insights … more knowledge. I want to maintain my abilities, so I can still use that understanding years from now. I want to keep getting better.

Keep Doing What You Love

Did you know that people who look younger than their actual ages also live a longer and healthier life than those who look older than their years?
In a long-term study involving 913 pairs of twins, Danish researchers discovered that the twins who looked younger than their true age had better health and longer survival rates than their older-looking siblings. And the larger the difference in perceived age, the more likely it was that the older-looking twin died first.
What did the researchers find was the reason for this difference?
The people who looked younger had longer telomeres.1

Rare Super Food of the Ancient Incas

Working my way through the thick jungle, I trekked through the highlands of Peru down into the heart of the Amazon. Along the way, I stopped to celebrate ancient rituals with local Indians. And dodged some mean, golf-ball-sized mosquitoes.
Suddenly my companion, Dr. Octavio Zolezzi from Lima University, shouted, “Here it is.”

9.8 Years Younger

Aging is something that begins on a cellular level. It starts with telomeres. They’re the timekeepers attached to every strand of your DNA. But they get shorter each time your cells divide – until eventually, cell division stops and cells die. The shorter your telomeres are, the older your cells act – and the older you look and feel as a result.
So the solution is to stop your telomeres from shortening. This is how…

My 3 Steps for Younger Skin

Have you ever been told you look younger than you really are? I’m sure it made your day. Heck… it probably even made your whole week.
After all, youth means beauty in our culture. And a young, beautiful face is impossible to ignore.
And there’s one thing that defines a youthful appearance more than anything else – your skin.
But maintaining a young-looking complexion is tough. Every day, your skin is under attack. From things like environmental toxins… UV radiation… harmful chemicals in your skincare products… stress… lack of nutrients…. hormones…

Cancer Alert for Travelers

A few weeks ago, I had the honor of speaking at the annual conference of the American College for Advancement of Medicine. They’d heard about my PACE program and invited me to speak. I have to admit, it was great to see so many forward-thinking physicians embracing the PACE concept.
The conference was held out in Las Vegas, which for me meant a direct flight from Miami. But when I hit Miami International Airport, I was in for a nasty surprise – body scanners.

Three Easy Ways To Stay Young

You’ve probably noticed that telomeres are getting a lot of media attention. The BBC, CBS News in New York and L.A., and newspapers like USA Today and The New York Times have all done reports.
Do you know what telomeres are? They cap the ends of your chromosomes and keep your DNA strands from fraying.
But each time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter, and your cells act older.

The Best Herb to Boost Your Immunity

Astragalus is a unique herb I’ve been fascinated with for the last 15 years. I used to keep jars of it on the shelves in my office to examine while I studied its history. Astragalus smells earthy, almost like fresh-cut grass when it’s dried. And I would open the jars and let it give me a sense of calm and relaxation.
I’ve used it in my practice to help people lower their blood pressure and boost their immune systems. And traditional Chinese medicine prescribes astragalus as a detoxifier, a cancer-fighter, and includes it in many healing formulas called tonics.

I Thought This Would Happen…

There’s a very small group of people using a new secret to help reset their “biological ages.” They are getting “biologically younger,” and their blood tests show astounding results when tested for their biological ages.
This technology, based on a Nobel-Prize-winning breakthrough, could put you in this very exclusive company.
I should know. I’m one of them.

Look 30% Younger…

The groundbreaking research on how we age won the Nobel Prize in 2009.
I’m talking about discovering the secret of aging. From this point on, aging will never be the same.
In laboratories throughout the world, researchers are using this discovery to alter different features of aging.