A "Nobel" Way to Avoid Cancer

Have you heard of telomeres yet? I’ve written about them and lectured to the World Conference on Anti-Aging. It’s big news in the world of anti-aging. In fact, research into telomeres won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2009.
I call telomeres “countdown clocks” because they determine how long your cells can live. Each time a cell divides, your DNA copies itself. Telomeres are caps on the ends of your DNA strands that lay down the blueprint for the copies…

Shut Down the Aging of Your Skin

On Oct. 26, 2008, people all over the country attended my first ever conference on telomeres (pronounced tell-o-meers).
Surrounded by some of the world’s most recognized, cutting-edge researchers in the field, we shared how telomeres are the key to aging. And everyone who witnessed the event walked away with the ability to control their aging clock and add years of abundant health to their lives.
Telomeres are the “time keepers” attached to every strand of your DNA. They’re critical to youthful cell function. But each time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter. When your telomeres run down, cell division stops and your life ends…

"This Will Change the World as We Know It"

This had such an impact on me, I still remember it: I was sitting at my desk almost 20 years ago. I like to stay abreast of non-medical scientific literature. So I picked up my issue of Scientific American and something jumped off the page at me.
Elizabeth Blackburn had made a truly revolutionary discovery. I’ll never forget it.
When I read that she’d found a solution to aging already in our genes, I took out a piece of paper and wrote down something that I still have today. It says, “This will change the world as we know it.”
Now, finally, it seems other people think so, too. Elizabeth Blackburn won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
Why all the fuss? Let me explain why this discovery is so powerful…

Your Built-In Way to Fight Back

Your body is constantly being attacked by bacteria and other viruses.
But, you have a built-in way to fight back – your T cells.
T cells are a form of white blood cells that fight off infection and disease.
T cells do their best to destroy sickness, disease, and other invaders your body doesn’t recognize. And if they need help, they copy themselves for more fighting power…

Dr. Bill is Aging in Reverse

Getting older is inevitable. But you can do something about the way you age. And some people just seem to defy age.
Like my friend and colleague, Dr. Bill. He’s in his mid 50s but has the life and enthusiasm of a 20-something kid. He looks half his age, too.
Check out what he said:

Your "Countdown Clock" is Ticking

Your “countdown clock” is ticking…
When it ticks down to zero, your life comes to an end.
The good news is that it’s possible to add more time to your countdown clock and extend your life by years or even decades.
These “clocks” are strands of genetic material that sit on the end of each chromosome. Called telomeres, these strands get shorter as you age.
Here’s what you need to know:

If You Just Do This One Thing…

If you want to stay as youthful as possible for as long as possible, here’s the first thing I’d tell you:
Do everything you can to protect the tips of your chromosomes called “telomeres.”
It may be the most important thing you do.
Here’s why:
Telomeres are the “time keepers” attached to every strand of your DNA. Each time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter. When your telomeres run down, cell division stops, and your life ends…

Put THAT in Your Pipe and Smoke It!

I still see doctors writing and saying there is no evidence that vitamins really do anything for anyone.
Oh, really? What about this?
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada just published the results of a new study of a cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and herbs. They showed that they could delay major aspects of aging. And, it extended lifespan by 10 percent!

Miracle Fatty Acid Adds Years to Your Life

Omega-3s may determine how long you’ll live – and it’s not just because they’re good for your heart.
Omega-3s may now have a profound effect on anti-aging by slowing down the shortening of telomeres.
What are telomeres? They’re protective tips that cap the ends of your DNA. Each time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter. When your telomeres run down, cell division stops, and your life ends.
While this may sound like a clip from a science fiction movie, it’s real. And it’s about to change the world of medicine. Everything you’ve been told about aging is about to be transformed by this new science.
You may not have heard about this new breakthrough yet. That doesn’t surprise me.

Get Physical and Grow Younger

In just minutes a day, you can program your genes to stay younger longer.
There’s new evidence that PACE-style movement slows down your aging clock, lengthening your life and making you more resistant to disease.
The professor that led the study said, “The act of exercising may actually protect the body against the aging process… and people may actually look and feel younger.”1
Research now shows that exercise has the power to turn back time. Exercise affects your telomeres, making them longer and stronger. The telomere is your biological clock. It determines how long you live. And how well you live…

Natural Remedies Beat the Flu

Flu season hit us this year with a vengeance. With the swine flu (H1N1), it’s an epidemic.
And it’s not over yet. Moms are in a panic, waiting for a cough or fever that signals the start of a serious, contagious disease. It’s not entirely unreasonable to worry, because the flu results in approximately 30,000 deaths a year.1
But there is something you can do about it. Prevention is as close as your cupboard…

Get Younger Skin and Erase Wrinkles with Breakthrough Technology

The telomere is the most important discovery in human history. We now understand the mechanism of aging and how to influence it. Life on this planet will never be the same.
In fact, the discovery of telomeres just won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine.
I’ve been researching the power of telomeres for years now. I’m the first physician ever licensed to administer TA-65 – the only commercially available treatment that lengthens human telomeres. TA-65 is the most dramatic advance in the world of life extension.

Astonishing Study Puts You in Control of Your Genes

We used to believe that there was nothing you could do about your genes. You were stuck with what you were born with. In fact, you can turn your genes on and off or not use them at all.
A new study proves you can alter your genes with what you eat. It showed that more than 1,000 genes were changed in just six months simply by getting more of a key nutrient…

Ever Heard of Constipated Cavemen?

I changed the picture on my letters to you.
I’m amazed how many of you wrote to me with comments:
“Not trying to be critical but your new appearance makes you look like the caveman on the Geico commercial.”
“Dr. Sears’ Neanderthal look is like those Viking guys on the TV commercials. Cool!”
A lot of folks are asking me, “Why?”

Look What's Brewing in Your DNA

By lengthening your telomeres, you can extend your life. And that means for the first time, you can actually stop – even reverse – the aging process in your body.
Here’s the thing: Your telomeres are extremely vulnerable to oxidative stress…and that’s exactly what antioxidants protect you against. This helps keep your telomeres long. And that, in turn, will help you live a longer and healthier life.