Natural Elixir for Women Only

Without your realizing it, modern medicine has withheld the options you need to make healthy, informed decisions. In essence, your sexual energy has fallen victim to ignorance and misinformation.
Most doctors think testosterone is a privilege for men only. While men certainly need it, the idea that it has no place in a woman’s life is not only wrong, it’s dangerous.
When your levels drop, you’ll feel it: loss of motivation, heavy fatigue, and little to no interest in the things that usually make you happy, including sex.
But I’ve discovered compelling studies that support what I’ve known for years:

How to Avoid the Hunger Hormone

When your doctor gave you your last prescription for an antibiotic, did he tell you it would make you fat?
He should have. Because taking antibiotics regularly can do all kinds of strange things to your body. And that includes making you gain weight.
The bacteria in your gut play an important role in determining whether your body stores the food you eat as excess pounds.
Let me explain…

Too Young for Puberty

In today’s Doctor’s House Call, I’m going to tell you how to combat one of the most dangerous threats to your health today.
Estrogen is found in the hormone-laden meat you get at the grocery store. It’s found in plastic, too. Every time you take a sip from your water bottle or heat up a frozen dinner, you’re ingesting harmful chemicals that create synthetic estrogen in your body.
This can cause you to have too much estrogen. Why is that a problem?

Putting Myself in a Woman's Shoes

I just read a new study that proves how dangerous those drugs that are labeled “HRT” are.
I call them drugs because they’re not real hormones. Hormones have to be made in your body, and these are synthetically created.
I can’t help but get mad at this. I’m so tired of women being in this unnecessary danger.
As you read this, millions of women are still getting estrogen. If you’ve ever been to your doctor for help with menopause, you know what I’m talking about…

Why Are Guys Getting Boob Jobs?

Now here’s a disturbing trend. Men are now getting “breast reduction” surgery like never before. The number of surgeries has risen 2,540% in 5 years.1
Even worse, doctors often recommend surgery when it isn’t necessary.
Men usually don’t need breast reduction… they need estrogen reduction.
Here’s the reason:
The female hormone estrogen is behind the rise in man boobs…

Even the Vultures Are Dying…

The drugs in the commercial beef you buy at your local supermarket are getting so bad, even the vultures are dying.
I just read a report that millions of vultures died in South Asia after eating cattle carcasses tainted with two drugs used to treat livestock.1
As scavengers, vultures have an iron-clad digestive system. Look at their diet – the birds eat nothing but putrid meat day in and day out. Yet their numbers have decreased – almost to extinction in some cases – because of the deadly effect of drugs we inject into cattle.

This Modern "Health Food" May Be Poisoning Prisoners

Have you heard what’s going on in our prison system? If not, you’re in for a shocker. Turns out, the prisoners are suing their jailors.
In January 2003, the diet of inmates in the Illinois prison system was drastically changed to include large amounts of processed soy protein. Soy replaced cheese, meat and flour in the prisoner’s diets.
When their diet changed, the inmates got seriously ill with chronic and painful constipation, alternating with debilitating diarrhea. Sharp digestive pains and vomiting occurred after soy-based meals. Fainting, heart palpitations, and panic attacks were common. Skin rashes, acne, thyroid problems, brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, frequent infections, and depression were also present.

Drug Scam Led Doctors to Kill Women

All of the doctors I know are well trained and well intentioned. But sometimes putting your faith in the system gets you in trouble.
The pharmaceutical giant Wyeth is being sued over its synthetic hormone drugs Premarin and Prempro. They are alleging the drugs can cause cancer and heart disease. During the discovery process, they uncovered a scam.
And what a doozy this scam is!

Calcium Supplements Don't Build Strong Bones

Don’t waste your money on calcium supplements.
If you’re taking them hoping to build strong bones and avoid osteoporosis you’ll be let down on both fronts.
Doctors and drug companies push the idea that the best way to treat and prevent osteoporosis is by taking lots of calcium. This simply isn’t true.
Osteoporosis isn’t caused by a lack of calcium…

Mutant Fish in The Potomac

Mutant fish swimming the in Potomac River are threatening your energy levels, your sexuality – even your future.
A few days ago, a team from the US Geological Surveys reported they are finding large numbers of male fish with female traits.1 This is nothing new, but the numbers today are far higher than anyone has ever seen before.
In some Potomac tributaries, nearly all the male smallmouth bass caught in the survey were abnormal. In the Potomac itself, 7 out of 13 largemouth bass had female characteristics. Some of them were even producing eggs!