My “telemedicine” service at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine has been helping patients worldwide for almost six months now. And it has already exceeded my expectations. I began in …
Your body’s “other” pulse
When I take a patient’s pulse, I’m really checking to make sure their heart is beating in rhythm and their blood is flowing regularly. It wasn’t until much later that …
The Most Important Test Your Doctor Won’t Order
I’ve been getting a lot of mail from readers asking a similar question. Most are like this one from MK in Philadelphia: “I’m going for an annual checkup with my …
How to Take Control of Your DNA
Modern medicine likes to tell you that chronic diseases are in your genes. Maybe you’re worried about inheriting your mother’s cancer, or your father’s heart disease, or your grandmother’s arthritis. …
The “organic” Way to Younger Skin
What do you think when you hear about stem cells? Perhaps you think they are “experimental” or you’re concerned about what you’ve read or heard in the news media about …
Next Generation of Anti-Aging Medicine is Here
Do you know your biological age? How about the reserve capacity of your lungs? Or the length of your telomeres? These are important questions, but who do you ask? Unfortunately, …
Men are from Venus?
One of the most talked about speakers at my recent 2015 Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit was New York Times bestselling author Dr. John Gray, who wrote the groundbreaking book “Men …
Dr. Sears Saves Hospital Patient?
Since I started practicing “telemedicine” at my Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine — the response has been just incredible. Telemedicine is the use of medical information exchanged from one site …
My Breakthrough in Anti-Aging Stem Cell Therapy
When you’re young, your body has the ability to bounce back quickly from illness and trauma. That’s because you have plenty of stem cells. What are stem cells? Stem cells …
Vitamin D3 is Better Than Drugs For Depression
I’ve been banging the table about the healing power of vitamin D3 for years. This fat-soluble vitamin is one of the core “primal” nutrients that kept our ancestors strong, potent, …
Control Inflammation and “Turn Off” Disease-Causing Genes
The single most important thing you can do to prevent premature aging is to control inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s effort to heal itself. But too much produces disease. In …
Overlooked Nutrient Zaps Gum Disease
You may be using CoQ10 already but not getting all its benefits… It’s a potent antioxidant and the fuel source that feeds your high-energy organs like your heart, eyes and …
Beat The “Energy Crisis” With IV Laser Blood Therapy
As you age, you lose energy. Everyone feels that, including you. But knowing where that energy comes from, and how to replace it, means you don’t have to suffer like …
A Therapy That Rebuilds Your Defenses FAST
In ancient times, our ancestors had pure sources of the nutrients they needed to thrive. But they were limited in terms of how much they could get of any particular …
Sharing Telomere Secrets At Rome Conference
I left for Rome last week. I went to a conference on “tissue science and regenerative medicine.” I’m giving a lecture on telomeres and I’m presenting results from the latest …
Visit My Clinic Without Leaving Home
I recently started practicing “telemedicine” with my clinical team at my Palm Beach Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine. It’s the same doctor’s visit experience as you’ve always known it… with one …
Hidden Healing Power In Your Blood
You have a powerful “healing factor” flowing through your blood right now. It’s virtually unknown to mainstream medicine, and it’s never been offered to you by any doctor. Yet this …
Sneak Peek At Stem Cell Breakthrough
Today I want to tell you about an advance in anti-aging that will affect us all. It’s a powerful way to heal your body and rejuvenate damaged tissue. I’m talking …