Cure What 90% of Us Have…

Dear Reader, Do you have pain picking up your groceries, getting out of the car or bending over? 90% of Americans have some back pain at some time in their …

Hey, that Guy Ripped Me Off…

Dear Reader, When I saw this, I did a double take… It was a newsletter from another doctor – with an exercise strategy taken straight from one of my own …

Just Start It and You'll See…

Dear Reader, Think about your favorite exercise… I like ancient exercises best and feel lucky that Ilearned martial arts when I was young. I have a lot of success with …

Prevention through Power…

Dear Reader, You probably know someone who’s fallen and broken a hip – usually someone elderly. You may not know that over 25% of people with broken hips develop complications …

Build Muscle in Just 4 Minutes…

Dear Reader, I’ve been telling you for years… serious weight lifting is a waste of your time. It’s unnatural and doesn’t help you build the kind of strength you really …

About Your Free PACE Lesson…

Dear Reader, If you follow PACE®, you’ve seen how it can make you lean. We’ve seen it work for hundreds now. I’ve just agreed to do a live interview about …

Where's Jane Fonda in Tights?

Dear Reader, I’ve been telling my patients and readers, “Aerobics is dead.” Now, the New York Times finally agrees – but for the wrong reason… “Whatever Happened to Jane Fonda …

Supra-Aerobicized Abs

Dear Subscriber, Your genetic code is not set in stone. New research is revealing how your environment shapes your genetics – and it’s putting you in the driver’s seat. Last …

Your Lungs Are Shrinking

Dear Member, When it comes to physical health, there are few things more important than “lung power”. Great martial artist’s like Bruce Lee knew physical strength and robust health depend …

Lactic Acid

Dear Member, Finally, the old theories of aerobic training are crumbling under the weight of new evidence. At the center of the breakthrough is lactic acid. You’ve probably heard of …


You are in the middle of the biggest epidemic the world has ever known. Two out of three Americans are now overweight. Diabetes is 9 times more likely than it was just 30 years ago. Heart disease kills over 1,000,000 each year in the US alone and the World Health Organization (WHO) has recently announced that for the first time in history, these “chronic diseases” surpassed all other causes of death worldwide.

Personal Exercise

Get Your Groove Back with Waves of Exercise Long-Distance Dangers Build Muscle the Easy Way Trash Your Jogging Shoes and Get Lean Exercise Your Heart Really Needs Quality vs. Quantity …