What is the Glycemic Index (GI)? The Glycemic Index (GI) is one the best tools for fat loss. It measures how quickly foods breakdown into sugar in your bloodstream. High …
They Ate Up All My Blueberries!
Blueberries have lots of fiber which helps prevent heart disease, and they’re low on the glycemic index (40), so they don’t spike your blood sugar. And eating them can help your memory and other mental abilities.
But the newest research on blueberries has found two exciting things. They can help fight hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and protect your liver.
In one study, researchers from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture looked at animals with atherosclerosis. They gave a formula with only 1 percent freeze-dried whole blueberries to one of two groups. The other group’s formula did not contain the berry powder. After 20 weeks, the blueberry formula group had as much as 58 percent less artery hardening than the non-blueberry group
Turn Off Your Obesity Gene
Have you resigned yourself to gaining weight because it “runs in the family”?
Bad genetics doesn’t have to catch up with you. You can change your genes simply by making a few adjustments to your diet.1
When you eat certain foods, nutrients release hormones that switch your genes on and off. And the nutrients in low-glycemic foods turn off genes that lead to weight gain and diseases that may follow.
We found this out when we studied the response to the glycemic index (GI) in people who have metabolic syndrome…
Break Free From Addictive Junk Food
I’m sure you know how hard it can be to resist certain insulin-spiking foods that score high on the glycemic index – like French fries, potato chips, pasta, and bagels. …
Vitamin Combo Protects Your Liver
When was the last time a doctor told you they wanted to test the health of your liver? Probably never. But the fact is…between 25% and 50% of Americans are …
FDA Sides With Big Pharma Over Struggling Diabetics
If you need further proof that the FDA puts its relationship with Big Pharma ahead of your well-being, read on…especially if you or someone you love has diabetes. A few …
Plague of the “white death”…
Back in the 1970s, when Arnold Schwarzenegger was at the peak of his bodybuilding career, he used the term “white death” to refer to the two ingredients he eliminated from …
Doctors advise surgery for diabetes?
There’s a dangerous new “trend” traditional doctors are recommending to their type 2 diabetes patients… bariatric weight-loss surgery. It’s some of the worst advice I’ve heard in a long time. …
Why Keto Diets Fail
Following a keto diet can burn pounds of unwanted fat, while training your body to burn fat as fuel. But if you’re doing aerobic exercise, you might not get the …
Stem Cells BEAT New Drug
The FDA approved a brand-new diabetes drug last month… It’s an insulin pill produced by pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk. The Big Pharma giant calls it the “holy grail” of diabetes …
Primal Plate Trumps Prozac
There’s a big connection between what we eat and how we feel — both physically and mentally. As a regular reader, you’ve heard me talk about my Primal Power Meal …
Stem Cells BEAT New Drug
The FDA approved a brand-new diabetes drug last month… It’s an insulin pill produced by pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk. The Big Pharma giant calls it the “holy grail” of diabetes …
From Bad Shape to Best Health Ever
I’ve told you about Leonard and Louise… They’re my Syndrome Zero superstar patients. They were both in bad shape when they came to see me. But now, they will be …
Stem Cell Diabetes Cure Beats Harvard’s New Drug
Traditional doctors think the best way to treat diabetes is with insulin. So they continue to prescribe more and more of it to people with diabetes. They just keep changing …
Eat to Beat Syndrome Zero
Louise is a patient at my clinic here in South Florida. When she first came to see me, she was dangerously overweight and suffering from hypertension, inflammation and sky-high blood …
The Zero Diet winning recipe…
We are all so excited over our cure for Syndrome Zero. All of my employees are behind this effort. And of course, we practice what we preach so we’re following …
Normalize blood sugar with stem cell boosters
All the patients that I see in my clinic are special… But sometimes there’s a patient who really leaves a mark on you. I recently had a patient like that. …
What can gorillas teach us?
All the gorillas were dying… Over 50 years of trying to breed gorillas in zoos and nothing was working. It didn’t matter where they tried — San Diego, Cincinnati, St. …